Steps :
1. Realize your potential as a human being. You are a person, just like Frank Herbert and Stanley Kubric and many other famous and infamous authors and artists. Einstein was a human, as was Galileo. Once you realize that you are just as human and just as capable as anyone else, your journey to unlocking your inner creative mind has begun.
2. Locate your thought and imagination. They come from the mind. Your brain is a complicated maze of neural pathways and electrochemical activity. It is within this mess of complexity that your thoughts are created. Imaginative people have similar brains to yours (excluding savants), and your thoughts come from the same places.
3. Decide your avenue of approach. Some people use their intelligence to pursue writing, while others become skilled in mathematics or sculpting, or a myriad of other activities. Examine your likes and dislikes and decide for yourself how you want to take advantage of your imagination. None are any less or better than the other; what matters is how you choose to explore the pathways within your chosen field of talent or passion.

4. Always be aware of yourself. Oftentimes authors lose themselves in their works, and they pursue a fruitless path in their writing. Oftentimes when acceleration occurs, the author fails to give due attention to the credence of their pursuit. Get into the habit of asking questions, and answer either spontaneously or with considerable thought.
5. Think totally contrary to logic. Do you have a friend who speaks random, ridiculous phrases that seem to defy logic and rational thought? Your friend may be more imaginative than you. Try your friend's non-logical approach to other areas of your life; for example, you could try to solve a problem using only penguins and mason jars. Perhaps you could construct a dwelling consisting entirely of cola cans or pencils. Visualize any benefits to such a strange thing. Apply this to your thought process.
6. Understand that hesitation is normal and can be overcome. Writer's block is a notorious nemesis to authors, and a creative slump strikes the greatest of artists. This is a form of procrastination, the idea that something could be done later, or that something can't be done because you "don't know the right way to do it." Try a new approach: deliberately apply the above step to the situation. Is your book character not progressing? Introduce a random element, such as a new friend, a death or possibly an alien invasion, and visualize your character's reaction. It may shed insight on how to progress with your story, and you can save or scrap the ridiculous revision you made and begin anew.
7. Exercise your ability to spontaneously create. Anyone can take a box of Lego bricks and create a building, spaceship or robot, provided they put their mind to it and do not curtail their idea of the structure to what is already known. Try writing whatever it is you're thinking about; do not hesitate or apply conscious mental effort and don't be hemmed in by what you've been taught to think is "the right way". Practice the ability to think of new things spontaneously; though this is contradictory to the above mentioned step, spontaneity is crucial to your overall ability to create and imagine.
8. Practice, research, and contemplate. Say you have decided to apply your imagination to writing. Do what many great writers do: research the topic of the material being written, and write drafts. The key to this method of unlocking your imagination is to think. The more you think of something, and the more ways you approach a subject, the greater your wisdom grows in that area. Think of it in the same way as fermentation of wine; the older or more mature it gets, the more fermented it becomes. In much the same way, thoughts can ferment and improve with time and practice.
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