Why did she reject me? If you are boggling your self, your household or your friends with this question, then you definitely haven’t gotten over that rejection. Obtaining a huge, flat “NO” through the girl that you have already been fantasizing about is difficult to simply accept particularly should you know that you are way better than most guys. Nonetheless, becoming the greater guy isn’t the one gauge in case you will probably be accepted or not. Actually, even the largest fishes within the pond are not exempted from rejection.
Did you analyze why your first potential girlfriend reject you? Well there are some common mistakes that men make with women and do not realize them. I will tell you how to deal with women and avoid those mistakes to have the best woman in your arms.

When a girl rejects a guy, he may start pleading with her, or chase her and try to convince her that he is the best man she can ever have. but who are you to decide if you are the best? Accept the fact that convincing her that you really love her and will keep her happy will not make her feel attracted towards you. By telling her a few nice words, she will not start feeling what she hasn’t felt for you till date. So don’t waste time in chasing her, it will make her run away from you.
It is a proven fact that women like men who do not treat them well initially or say who do not give them much attention. Ever wondered why a girl pays less attention to you when you keep calling her, meeting her, listening to her or doing whatever she says? Now do the opposite and see how she comes to you running.
You don’t have to be very nice with girls because they do not accept or reject guys on the basis of how nice they are. If you have noticed, attractive girls seem to like jerks who are not that good looking instead of good, nice guys. They will like any guy for whom they feel some level of attraction, even if he is not a handsome hunk. It is a natural feeling in girls that makes them attracted to guys. So being nice to girls will not solve your purpose, she will not start feeling attracted towards you.
Many guys try to make their girls happy by seeking their approval in every small deal or work. Initially your girl may like this because it will make her feel important. Later on she will start feeling that you
lack self-confidence and you need permission and approvals to begin any task or finish up a small thing.
Here you will get negative points. As I said earlier also, girls do not like guys being very nice with them. You don’t have to treat her badly but you also don’t need to be extra nice with her. Be a man and do whatever you want to do without asking her. This also means that if you want to kiss her, just go ahead. Don’t wait for her to nod her head to say ‘yes you may kiss me.’
The most common mistake almost all men do are buying gifts and flowers for a girl. When you do this again and again, girls get a signal: “It’s not easy for me to impress you. So let me try by bribing you a little. May be you will start liking me.” Okay girls love getting flowers and gifts but this will not change how she feels for you. Imagine yourself getting gifts and flowers from a girl whom you can’t even stand.
Would you accept her offer of dating her just because she brings nice gifts and flowers for you? So if you can’t do this, how do you expect girls to change their feelings in exchange for gifts and flowers? You need to show the girl that if she wants to accept you, she must accept you the way you are and you are not going to change your ways for her. This attitude will make her like you and meet you again and again.
Look into the mirror and tell yourself – “I will make girls run after me. I have the attitude to do so.” When you say this to yourself, also follow it by keeping it in mind all the time. Why I am saying this
because when men see attractive women, they can’t control themselves.
When you meet an attractive woman and start dating her, you must realize that before you, she must have dated other men also. She is so beautiful that men must be writing her letters, mails, text messages, expressing their love for her. And this is the biggest mistake men make when they express their feelings too early to a woman. This puts her off and she drops the idea of a relationship with such a man. So remember to give her compliments but
do not say how you feel for her too early in a relationship. Make her fall for you and then express your feelings for her.
Desperation is never attractive to women. She may be hot, easily approachable but if you show your desperation to get in bed with her, she will reject you instantly. Also when you are talking to her, remember not to look at her cleavage or breast. Look into her eyes to make her feel that you like her.
There are men who before even approaching a woman get nervous because of their looks and money power. Well I must clear this point that women do not think like men. They do not get attracted to men by just looking at them. If you need to impress her, you need to talk to her. If she likes your company, your sense of humour, she may well give you a chance to be her partner. Few women do give importance to looks but it still remains secondary to the overall personality of a man.
Never let a woman decide what you want to do, where you want to go or what should be the next step.
Women always want men to show their manliness when taking important decisions. A nice woman would always want to feel safe and protected when with her man. In such a situation if you ask her
what you must do next, how is she going to rely on you for her safety, security, happiness and future endeavors?
Last but not the least, men must know how to behave in different situations. This is very important. If you keep guessing before her about your next move, she is going to get disappointed.
Women almost always know what is on your mind. Your body language says it all. So you must not try to hide your feelings. If you feel like kissing her, she will know it and then if you don’t kiss her, she will find you weird.
So act accordingly in different situations. And please do not act like college guys by conveying messages to her through her friends or your friends. Be bold enough to speak to her either face to face or over the phone.
Hope you do not get rejected by a girl next time. These tips will surely help you in being with a girl for a long long time. All the Best!
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