Always dizzy when calculating your monthly expenses? That's the sign you have not shopped with intelligent (smart shopping) so that spending remains under control.
Here are the steps to overcome the excessive spending as quoted from She knows.
1. Make a list of expenses
How spending could run as you wish if you do not make the list? Before shopping, make a shopping list for sure. This also will reduce the risk of any forgotten items.
2. Bowing to the list
No use is made shopping list if you break them. Obey the list, and do not be tempted to buy things that are not needed just because the discount is tempting.
3. Creative
No need to buy all of your shopping list at the same place. It may be in other stores you can get it cheaper. But do not forget to also take into account the cost of travel, such as taxi money, or gasoline. Do-do if the count is calculated, the result is the same or more expensive. Think creatively as possible.
4. Needs vs. Desire
To shop smart, you should know that clear boundaries between needs and wants. Do not make a biased view. Of course needs must always come first, but if you have more savings, there's no harm in indulging themselves by fulfilling the desire.
Happy shopping!
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