Thursday, September 30, 2010

iObit Advanced SystemCare Pro Portable

iObit Advanced SystemCare Pro Portable

Advanced SystemCare scans more, repairs more, cleans more, and optimizes more for your computer than ever before. Enjoy That New PC Feeling Again. Designed for the latest Windows system environment. Gives your PC better speed and reliability. Powerful Hard Drive Defragmentation. High-speed Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools. Registry Clean and Optimization. Safelycleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragment the whole registry for maximum performance.

Key Benefits:
Defends PC Security with Extra Protection
Detect and analyze Windows security environment. Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files. Prevents spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious items on your computer. Erases and updates your PC’s activity history.
Quick and Extensive Clean-up for Hard Drives
Boosts your system’s performance by cleaning missing files, destroying unwanted files, deleting obsolete files, and removing junk files. Supports clean-up of over 50 different types of junk files.

Speeds Up PC Performance and Internet Access
Tunes up Windows by unleashing the built-in power of your system. Dramatically improves both system and Internet performance up to 400%.
Fixes Multiple System Errors
Does more than a registry cleaner, keeping your PC stable and running at peak efficiency. Repairs PC configurations by eliminatingsystem bottlenecks and preventing crashes.

Extremely Easy to Use
Completes its work with just one click. Scans, repairs and gives personal care to your PC in one minute.

Size (RAR): 13.9 Mb
2% recovery record

Download iObit Advanced SystemCare Pro Portable

Google Chrome 7.0.539.0 Canary Portable

Google Chrome 7.0.539.0 Canary Portable

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. In Google Chrome, you can get anywhere on the Web with one box. The address bar that sits at the top of the normal Google Chrome window simplifies your Internet experience by doubling as a search box. You can also use it to bookmark websites and stay aware about the security of a website.

Type your search query in the address bar, and it automatically suggests related queries and popular websites, based on your input. (Google Suggest is the default service that provides auto-suggestions unless your default search engine uses an alternate service.)

Visit a webpage
If you know the specific web address you're trying to access, type it directly in the address bar. Press Enter on the keyboard or click the arrow icon to load the webpage. As you type, Google Chrome also automatically searches your browsing history and shows you the number of matches at the bottom of its drop-down menu.

Create a bookmark
If you come across an interesting webpage that you'd like to access again in the future, click the star icon on the browser toolbar to create a bookmark. A bubble confirming the addition of the bookmark appears. To tweak the bookmark's name, edit the text in the 'Name' field. Use the 'Folder' drop-down menu to choose where you want to store the bookmark. Learn more about organizing bookmarks. To tweak the bookmark's URL, click the Edit button. If you accidentally clicked the star icon, you can quickly revert your action by clicking the Remove link. Learn more about deleting bookmarks.
Website security
If Google Chrome detects that the website you're trying to access will securely transmit data using SSL, you'll see the following:
The background color of the address bar changes to gold.
The 'https' in the URL appears in green for websites with SSL-secured connections established.
A lock icon appears at the end of the address bar.
If a SSL-secured connection cannot be established, then you'll see an alert icon at the end of the address bar, among other possible browser warnings. You can click the icon to open the 'Security information' dialog box and see more information.

Size (RAR): 24.2 Mb
2% recovery record

Download Google Chrome 7.0.539.0 Canary Portable

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Resep Masakan

Resep Masakan - Ayam Goreng Terasi

Bahan :

* 1 ekor ayam potong kecil kecil
* 1 bawang putih potong kecil kecil
* 1 sdk teh garam
* 1 btg serai, ambil bagian putihnya saja.
* 1 cabai merah, buang bijinya
* 1 tomat merah, iris tipis
* minyak goreng secukupnya

Cabe :

* 8 buah cabai merah
* 5 cabai merah rawit
* 3 siung bawang putih
* merica butir secukupnya
* 1 1/2 sdk teh terasi goreng
* garam secukupnya

Cara memasak :

* Balur ayam dengan garam dan bwang putih hingga rata
* Goreng ayam hingga kuning kecoklatan kemudian angkat
* Tumis serai dan cabai hingga layu dengan 4 sdk minyak goreng
* Masukkan tomat dan bumbu halus lainnya, masak hingga harum
* Masukkan ayam goreng, aduk hingga rata
* Angkat dan sajikan kepada keluarga

Untuk Resep Masakan lainnya tunggu artikel selanjutnya

Kue Kering Nastar

Kue Kering Nastar.Variasi kue kering Nastar semakin hari semakin banyak macamnya.Setelah menunaikan ibadah Ramadhan,dalam menyambut lebaran biasanya kita menghidangkan berbagai macam kue kering di rumah kita.Rasa nikmat dari kue kering untuk lebaran ini menjadi suatu citra rasa yang bisa di nikmati oleh semua keluarga.

Resep Kue Lebaran kali ini saya coba memberikan Resep Kue Kering Nastar.Pasti anda sering mendengar, melihat bahkan pernah mencicipinya bukan? Ada bermacam macan kue kering Nastar.Untuk membuat kue kering nastar untuk lebaran ini,modalnya cukup ekonomis dan rasanya juga tidak mengecewakan.

Ok,berikut Resep kue lebaran untuk anda:

Nastar Kacang Duren

150 gr margarin
75 gr mentega
100 gr gula halus
2 btr kuning telur
¼ sdt vanili bubuk
250 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
25 gr susu bubuk
25 gr tepung maizena
75 gr selai kacang
½ sdt moka pasta
2 btr kuning telur, kocok lepas untuk olesan
50 gr keju cheddar, parut, untuk taburan
225 gr selai duren

Cara membuat:
1. Kocok margarin, mentega, gula halus, dan vanili bubuk selama kurang lebih 45 detik. Tambahkan kuning telur, selai kacang, dan moka pasta, kocok sebentar.
2. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu, tepung maizena, dan susu bubuk sambil diayak, aduk rata.
3. Ambil sejumput adonan, bentuk oval, isi dengan selai duren, susun di atas loyang yang dioles margarin.
4. Panggang dalam oven selama kurang lebih 20 menit dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius.
5. Oles dengan kuning telur, taburi keju, panggang kembali selama kurang lebih 20 menit dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius. Angkat, dinginkan.
6. Simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.

Nastar Keju Melinjo

125 gr mentega
125 gr margarin
125 gr gula halus
1 btr kuning telur
175 gr emping melinjo, haluskan
200 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
25 gr tepung maizena
25 gr susu bubuk
100 gr emping melinjo, haluskan untuk taburan
200 gr selai nanas

Cara membuat:
1. Kocok mentega, margarin dan gula halus selama telur 1 menit. Tambahkan kuning telur, melinjo halus, dan keju parut, aduk rata,

2. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu, tepung maizena, dari susu bubuk sambil diayak, aduk rata.

3. Bentuk bulat, isi dengan selai nanas. Gulingkan di atas melinjo halus, susun di atas loyang yang dioles margarin.

4. Panggang dalam oven selama 150 derajat celcius, dinginkan.

5. Simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.

Nastar keju kacang

175 gr mentega
75 gr margarin
75 gr gula halus
3 btr kuning telur
100 gr kacang mede, panggang, haluskan
100 gr keju cheddar, parut
225 gr tepung terigu protein rendah (misal:kunci biru)
25 gr susu bubuk
10 gr tepung maizena
2 btr kuning telur, kocok lepas, untuk olesan
50 gr keju cheddar, parut, untuk taburan
200 gr selai nanas

Cara membuat:

1. Kocok mentega, margarin dan gula halus selama 1 menit. Tambahkan kuning telur, kocok rata.
2. Masukkan kacang mede dan keju parut, aduk.
3. Tambahkan campuran tepung terigu, susu bubuk, dan tepung masizena sambil diayak, aduk sampai menjadi adonan yang dapat dipulung.
4. Bentuk bulat, pipihkan, beri selai nanas, tutup, bulatkan kembali, susun di loyang yang dioles margarin. Panggang selama kurang lebih 15 menit dengan suhu 140 derajat celcius.
5. Oles permukaan kue dengan kuning telur, taburi keju parut.
6. Panggang kembali selama kurang lebih 20 menit dengan suhu 140 derajat celcius. Angkat, dinginkan.
7. Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.
Itu tadi berbagai macam resep kue kering Nastar yang aku copas dari

NASA World Wind 1.4.1 Portable

NASA World Wind 1.4.1 Portable

NASA World Wind 1.4.1 Portable | 28 MB

World Wind lets PC users zoom from satellite altitude into any place on the globe. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there.

Virtually visit any place in the world. Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or along the African Sahara.

World Wind allows any user to zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth, leveraging high resolution LandSat imagery and SRTM elevation data to experience Earth in visually rich 3D, just as if they were really there.

Particular focus was put into the ease of usability so people of all ages can enjoy World Wind. All one needs to control World Wind is a two button mouse.

Additional guides and features can be accessed though a simplified menu. Navigation is automated with single clicks of a mouse as well as the ability to type in any location and automatically zoom into it.

World Wind benefits most from a video card with 3D acceleration. If you don't know whether your machine comes with one, it is likely to have one built in if the computer was purchased within the past two years.

World Wind requires that you have DirectX and the .NET runtime environment installed. If you don't have them on your computer, World Wind Setup will direct you to web pages where you can downloadDirectX and .NET runtime environment.

World Wind comes with data you can zoom into. After a certain point, World Wind will begin to download more images automatically. The servers hosting this information are very busy and may be unresponsive until we get the necessary infrastructure.

Here are some key features of "NASA World Wind":

· 3D Engine
· Blue Marble
· Landsat 7
· Landmark Set


· .NET 2.0
· Intel Pentium 3, 1 GHz, or AMD Athlon or higher
· 256 MB of RAM
· 3D Graphics Card
· nVidia GeForce 2 Ultra
· ATI Radeon 7500
· Intel Extreme Graphics 2
· DSL / Cable connection or faster
· 2 GB of disk space
· DirectX

What's New in This Release:

· Plugin: Movie Recorder (added avi xport)
· Plugin: Place Finder Loader (Supports more geocoders)
· Plugin: Satellite Tracker
· Plugin: Virtal Earth, downloads Microsoft local live data (must be loaded from the plugins menu, then activated by clicking the toolbar icon)
· Plugin: Improved WMS browser with GetCapabilities support
· data: New NRL data
· data: WFS placenames and boundaries
· Core: New accurate sunshading
· Core: Support for 3D models
· Core: Atmosphere (Improved with atmospheric scattering)
· Core: Added widget support
· Widget: New scalebar
· Widget: Time controller
· Widget: 3D compass widget
· Installer: Removed background
· Installer: Mars, Moon, SDSS icons removed
· Installer: .Net 2.0 check
· Installer: Added command line tags NODOTNET, /NODX, /NOMDX) to skip detection of .NET, DirectX 9.0c, and Managed DirectX, to skip checks respectively.



Media Convert Master Portable

Media Convert Master Portable

Media Convert Master Portable | 49 Mb

Media Convert Master is a professional video converter, you can convert your video and audio files from one format to another. It supports multiform convert formats including AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, MOV, WMV, RM, SWF, AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, AMR, WAV, VOB and ASF. It is extremely professional converting software with fast conversion speed and high quality. It can let users enjoy their video converting.

Main Functions:

Video Conversion
Audio Conversion
Features List:
It can convert all formats to AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, MOV, WMV, BM, SWF, AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, AMR, WAV, VOB and ASF.
Adjustable edit profile to add or delete formats at your will.
Batch convert video formats.
Supports any video formats user defined as the output.
You can customize video profiles video and parameters for output video.

Step by Step How to convert a file:

1. Click "Open" button to add the video files that you want to convert.
2. Click the desired Main Panel button to select a target format that you want to convert to.
3. Then click "Edit Profile" button to customize profile properties.
4. Set a valid output directory to save converted files before start converting. Click "Browse" button to select desired output directory or write valid output directory manually.
5. Click the "Convert" button to start your converting. There will be a new file in your selected output directory.

Supported Formats:

Download Links:

QIP 2010 Build 4179 Portable

QIP 2010 Build 4179 Portable

QIP is a program for online communication. It's one of the most popular instant messengers. It is used by many thousands of users. QIP supports OSCAR (ICQ), XMPP (Jabber), Gtalk (Jabber), LiveJournal (Jabber), Mail.Ru Agent, IRC и XIMSS (SIP), Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte. QIP is for instant message delivery and feedback. Messages from different people in one window. No advertisement during the communication. New opportunities appear constantly. Large set of skins. Fast and light.

Size (RAR): 6.09 Mb
2% recovery record

Download QIP 2010 Build 4179 Portable

TeamViewer 5.1.9220 Portable

TeamViewer 5.1.9220 Portable

The one-step solution for remote access. TeamViewer is the fast, simple and friendly solution for remote access over the Internet - all applications in one single, very affordable module. Remote control of computers over the Internet. Instantly take control over a computer anywhere on the Internet, even through firewalls. No installation required, just use it fast and secure. Training, sales and teamwork. TeamViewer can also be used to present your desktop to a partner on the Internet. Show and share your software, PowerPoint presentations etc. File transfer, chat and more. Share your files, chat, switch the direction during a teamwork session, and a lot more is included in TeamViewer.

Size (RAR): 2.85 Mb
2% recovery record

Download TeamViewer 5.1.9220 Portable

CCleaner 2.36.1233 Portable

CCleaner 2.36.1233 Portable

CCleaner is a system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Cleans the following:
Internet Explorer
- Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
- Temporary files, URL history, cookies, download history.
- Temporary files, URL history, cookies.
- Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
Registry cleaner
- Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.
Third-party applications
- Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, MS Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...
This software does NOT contain any Spyware, Adware or Viruses.

Size (RAR): 1.06 Mb
2% recovery record

aTube Catcher 2.2.519 Portable

aTube Catcher 2.2.519 Portable
aTube Catcher 2.2.519 Portable | 18.44 Mb

aTube Catcher is a handy application that allows you to easily download and convert videos to various formats for offline enjoyment. Download videos from social web sites like MySpace, Dailymotion,Google, Yahoo!, Metacafe, etc; now has support for more than 100+ video sharing sites!; it has bult-in support for RTMP (Real Time Streaming Protocol), a new way for streaming video which hundred sites are using to deliver high quality content at faster speeds.

You can download and export the multimedia content to your computer or your mobile device, IPOD, PSP, Cell Phone, DVD, VCD, MP3 (Yes, you can extract only audio tracks from your favorite videos), includes templates so you don't have to worry about the encoding options, but if you want, you can customize the options and get higher quality video/audio.

The default format is MPEG4 AVI, the file types supported are 3GP, 3G2, AVI, XVID, MP4, MP3, MP2, WMA, WMV, GIF, FLAC, WAV, PSP, MPG, VOB, OGG, MOV, AVI. aTube Catcher also is available in many languages, English, Spanish, French, German, Catalá, Slovensky, Portuguese and Italian (you can help to translate it to your language), all in a easy to use GUI, just Copy & Paste the url of your video.

Here are some key features of "aTube Catcher":

· Stable, reliable, and fast!
· Turbo Downloads up to 600% faster!!!
· Now In just 2 steps create and record DVD's!!!
· Capture Videos, SWF, and MP3's from any web site using StreamCatcher mode!
· Record video from your screen!, yes now you can record Live, Yahoo, etc Messenger video conferences with a few clicks, even video from sites like Hulu, CBS, directly from your Screen!
· New Video Converter Mode, convert lots of files easily with one click to any output format!
·Introducing new profiles for encoding your videos/audios in MP4,MP3,MPG,3GP,3G2,WMV,AVI,MOV,etc... almost any input/output format supported!
· Built-in Profile editor, create, edit and share your custom encoding profiles with the community!
· DVD Creator Mode!. aTube Catcher can directly record DVD's, just drag any video file in almost any input format on the window, they will be converted automatically and recorded to any DVD+/-R/DVD+/-RW Media!. Supports all standard DVD/CD Recorders!
· Recorded DVD's can be played on any standard home DVD player!
· IE Cache Media Browser, browses the Internet Explorer's cache looking for Video files and SWF's
· URL Monitor. Yes, monitor your Web browser's windows to catch your links even if the address bar is hidden.
· Download and join multiple videos as a new one. Forget time limitations, you can join all the chapters of the same video.
· In Normal mode for direct download, are supported hundred of sites like Megavideo, DailyMotion, FaceBook, Tweetvid, etc.
· Multiple languages available!
· Creates VCD's
· If you have a Megavideo account, you can login-in to download full and original files!
· Now you can merge existent videos into any format!
· New video search tool, helps you to find thousands of videos in a few seconds, display results on your screen with a low memory usage; you can right click over results or double click to open built-in web player !
· "Clipboard monitor", helps you to keep a history of the links copied to your clipboard. !
· Now aTube Catcher takes advantage of the multi-core CPU's when converting multiple videos simultaneously. Put to work your new powerful multi-core cpu and enjoy its power!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hasil F1 Singapura 2010

Pertarungan sengit balapan jet darat seri Singapura mslsm ini benar-benar seru dan menegangkan. Balapan yang menyelesaikan 61 lap malam ini akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Fernando Alonso. Memimpin sejak start pertama dan dibuntuti oleh Sebastian Vettel membuat Alonso harus bekerja keras untuk menaklukkan sirkuit Marina Bay Singapura ini.

Lewis Hamilton lagi-lagi harus menelan pil pahit. Pembalap Inggris ini harus keluar dari race setelah mobilnya bertabrakan dengan mobil Mark Webber pada lap ke 30

Berikut Hasil F1 Singapura 2010

1. Fernando Alonso Ferrari
2. Sebastien Vettel RBR-Renault
3. Mark Webber RBR-Renault
4. Jenson Button McLaren-Mercedes
5. Nico Rosberg Mercedes Benz GP Ltd
6. Rubens Barrichello Williams-Cosworth
7. Robert Kubica Renault
8. Felipe Massa Ferrari
9. Adrian Sutil Force India-Mercedes
10. Nico Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth
11. Vitaly Petrov Renault
12. Jaime Alguersuari STR-Ferrari
13. Michael Schumacher Mercedes Benz GP Ltd
14. Sebastien Buemi STR-Ferrari
15. Lucas di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth
16. Heikki Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth out)
17. Timo Glock Virgin-Cosworth (out)
18. Nick Heidfeld BMW Sauber (out)
19. Lewis Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes (out)
20. C. Klien HRT-Cosworth (out)
21. Kamui Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari (out)
22. Bruno Senna HRT-Cosworth (out)
23. Jarno Trulli Lotus-Cosworth (out)
24. Vitantonio Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes (out)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Burn4Free CD & DVD ML Portable

Burn4Free CD & DVD ML Portable
Burn4Free CD & DVD ML Portable | 5.06 Mb
Burn4Free is the new free burning solution. Easy to use. Compatible with more than 3000 CD/DVD drives. Copy DVD. Burns data and audio from different files types (WAV, WMA, MP3, OGG, FLAC, WavPack and .CDA (Import from Digital Audio Disc File)) Burn/Save .ISO file. Verify content. Overburning. Import your audio compilation from .M3U and .ASX Plyalists. CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD+R/DVD-RW/DVD+RW/DVD-RAM drives (SCSI-IDE/EIDE-USB 1.0/2.0) are supported. Multi-languages. ISO support. Copy BLU RAY, DVD Dual Layer support. PrintCompilation. Save/Load project from disk.

The 4 way to burn a CD/DVD with Burn4Free:
1) The Fly Window: a nice and very useful transparent window to drag & drop files to burn
2) Right Click: use Burn4Free embedded menu by right clicking on each folder or file
3) The Add Window: use Burn4Free internal File Manager4) Drag&Drop: drag your folder/file and drop into Burn4Free main window

Home Page -


Platinum Hide IP Portable

Platinum Hide IP Portable

Platinum Hide IP Portable | 2.78 Mb
Use Platinum Hide IP to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet, and much more.

Key Features
• Anonymize Your Web Surfing
Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others.
• Protect Your Identity
Anonymous web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer safe from hacker attacks or other risks.
• Choose IP Country and Check IP
Proxy lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP address directly.
• Send Anonymous Emails
Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
• Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites
Change your IP address and then you can get unbanned yourself from any forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you from.

Download Links:

Hasil Kualifikasi F1 Singapura 2010

Red Bull-Renault pamer kekuatan di Marina Bay, sinyal ancaman Red Bull kepada para rival mereka ditunjukkan setelah kemaren (24/9) berhasil menjadi yang tercepat disesi latihan. Mereka terus menunjukkan keperkasaan dalam lomba di sirkuit lambat. Sebelumnya mereka mendominasi di sirkuit sejenis di Hungaria dan Monaco.

Paket pengembangan Ferrari dalam beberapa seri terakhir memang mengagumkan. Mereka berhasil menetralkan kelebihan Red Bull yang awalnya superior di sirkuit lambat dengan mengandalkan flexi wing dan blown diffuser.

Namun, Alonso juga punya handicap. Itu terkait dengan jatah mesinnya (delapan mesin) yang habis. Dia akan kena penalti sepuluh posisi start jika mereka kembali menggunakan mesin baru.

Babak kualifikasi hari ini (25/9) Felipe Massa mengalami kerusakan engine. Sedangkan perebutan pole position masih ditempati oleh tim-tim papan atas. dan akhirnya Fernando Alonso menjadi yang tercepat di sesi kualifikasi hari ini dengan catatan waktu 1:45,390.

Berikut hasil kualifikasi F1 Singapura 2010

1. Fernando Alonso Ferrari
2. Sebastian Vettel RBR-Renault
3. Lewis Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes
4. Jenson Button McLaren-Mercedes
5. Mark Webber RBR-Renault
6. Rubens Barrichello Williams-Cosworth
7. Nico Rosberg Mercedes GP
8. Robert Kubica Renault
9. Michael Schumacher Mercedes GP
10. Kamui Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari

Tersisih di kualifikasi kedua

11. Jaime Alguersuari STR-Ferrari
12. Nico Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth
13. Vitaly Petrov Renault
14. Sebastien Buemi STR-Ferrari
15. Nick Heidfeld BMW-Sauber
16. Adrian Sutil Force India-Mercedes
17. Vitantonio Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes

Tersisih di kualifikasi 1

18. Timo Glock Virgin-Cosworth
19. Heikki Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth
20. Lucas di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth
21. Jarno Trulli Lotus-Cosworth
22. C. Klien HRT-Cosworth
23. Bruno Senna HRT-Cosworth
24. Felipe Massa Ferrari

Membaca Kode Plastik

Plastik sering digunakan dalam kebutuhan rumah tangga karena sifat bahannya yang elastis, ringan, murah dan tidak mudah pecah. Kalau kita perhatikan wadah atau kemasan plastik yang kita beli memiliki simbol-simbol tertentu, misalnya botol susu, ember, tempat air minum, wadah makanan dan sebagainya.
Kode-kode tersebut dikenalkan sejak tahun 1988 oleh The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) dan diadopsi oleh lembaga-lembaga pengembangan sistem kode, seperti ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
Secara umum tanda pengenal plastik tersebut:
1. Berada atau terletak di bagian bawah
2. Berbentuk segitiga
3. Di dalam segitiga tersebut terdapat angka
4. Serta nama jenis plastik di bawah segitiga

(1) PET / Polyethylene Terephthalate
Tertera logo daur ulang (Gambar panah segitiga) dengan tulisan angka 1 ditengahnya dan tulisan PETE dibawahnya. Hasil produk jenis Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, PETE) dapat berupa botol atau plastik transparan yang tembus pandang antara lain botol jus, botol air mineral, botol softdrink, dan botol minuman lainnya.
Plastik yang memiliki kode 1 atau PET atau PETE sebaiknya hanya digunakan sekali saja, tidak diperbolehkan digunakan untuk air hangat, apalagi panas. Kalau botolnya sudah tergores sebaiknya dibuang saja. Karena bila terlalu sering digunakan mengakibatkan lapisan polimer dalam botol tersebut akan meleleh dan mengeluarkan zat karsinogenik (zat yang dapat menyebabkan kanker

(2) HDPE/ High Density Polyethylene
Tertera logo daur ulang (gambar panah segitiga) dengan tulisan angka 2 ditengahnya dan dan tulisan HDPE dibawahnya. Hasil produk dari High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) dapat berupa botol yang berwarna putih susu, kantong es, memiliki karakter keras hingga semi fleksibel, permukaannya licin buram, tahan hingga 135 derajat celcius.
Biasanya digunakan untuk galon air minum dan sebagainya. HDPE seperti PTE tetapi lebih tahan terhadap bahan kimia. HDPE juga seperti PTE pengunaannya hanya sekali saja.HDPE tergolong aman digunakan karena memiliki kemampuan mencagah reaksi kimia antara kemasan dengan pangan yang dikemasnya.

Tertera logo daur ulang (terkadang berwarna merah) dengan angka 3 di tengahnya, serta tulisan V -V itu berarti PVC. PVC terdapat dua jenis yaitu Unplasticed Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) dan Plasticed Plolyvinyl Chloride (PVC).
Polyvinyl Chloride adalah jenis plastik yang paling sulit didaur ulang. Plastik ini memiliki karakter kuat, kaku, bening (jenis UPVC) dan fleksibel, jernih, elastis (Jenis PVC). UPVC biasa digunakan pada kabel listrik, pipa, perabotan, botol-botol dan sebagainya. Sedangkan PVC contohnya : selang air, sol sepatu, pelapis kabel, kantung darah, pipa, plastik pembungkus, dan sebagainya.
PVC mengandung DEHA yang dapat bereaksi dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan plastic berbahan PVC. Berhati-hatilah menggunakan plastik pembungkus bertanda PVC. Pasalnya plastik bisa bocor dan menyusup ke dalam makanan yang berminyak bila dipanaskan. Dan, kontak tersebut bisa berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya bagi ginjal dan hati. Karena itu, sebaiknya carilah pembungkus alami seperti daun pisang dan menghindari pembungkus makanan berlambang 3 dan V

(4) LDPE - Low Density Polyethylene
Tertera logo daur ulang (gambar panah segitiga)dengan angka 4 di tengahnya, serta tulisan LDPE dibawahnya. LDPE (low density polyethylene) yaitu plastik tipe cokelat (thermoplastic/dibuat dari minyak bumi), memiliki karakter lembut, tembus cahaya, fleksibel.
Biasa dipakai untuk`tempat makanan, plastik kemasan, tempat sampah dan botol-botol yang lembek. Plastik ini dapat didaur ulang, baik untuk barang-barang yang memerlukan fleksibilitas tetapi kuat, dan memiliki resistensi yang baik terhadap reaksi kimia.
Barang berbahan LDPE ini sulit dihancurkan, tetapi tetap baik untuk tempat makanan karena sulit bereaksi secara kimiawi dengan makanan yang dikemas dengan bahan ini. relatif aman digunakan untuk jangka panjang.

(5) PP – Polypropylene
Tertera logo daur ulang (gambar panah segitiga) dengan angka 5 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PP dibawahnya. PP (polypropylene) adalah pilihan terbaik untuk bahan plastik, terutama untuk yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan minuman seperti tempat menyimpan makanan, botol minum dan terpenting botol minum untuk bayi.
Polypropylene biasa digunakan pada bungkus snack, sedotan, perabotan microwave, ketel, bak mandi bayi, tempa makan, dan sebagainya. Bisa digunakan berulang-ulang. tahan terhadap panas. Aman digunakan dalam jangka panjang.
Carilah dengan kode angka 5 bila membeli barang berbahan plastik untuk menyimpan kemasan berbagai makanan dan minuman.

Tertera logo daur ulang (gambar panah segitiga) dengan angka 6 di tengahnya, serta tulisan PS dibawahnya. PS (polystyrene) ditemukan tahun 1839, oleh Eduard Simon, seorang apoteker dari Jerman, secara tidak sengaja.
PS biasa dipakai sebagai bahan tempat makan styrofoam, tempat minum sekali pakai, dan lain-lain. (dapat dijumpai juga dalam kemasan mie instan yang diseduh langsung dengan air). Polystyrene merupakan polimer aromatik yang dapat mengeluarkan bahan styrene ke dalam makanan ketika makanan tersebut bersentuhan.
Bahan ini harus dihindari, karena selain berbahaya untuk kesehatan otak, mengganggu hormone estrogen pada wanita yang berakibat pada masalah reproduksi, dan pertumbuhan dan system syaraf, juga karena bahan ini sulit didaur ulang. Pun bila didaur ulang, bahan ini memerlukan proses yang sangat panjang dan lama.

Tertera logo daur ulang (gambar panah segitiga) dengan angka 7 di tengahnya, serta tulisan OTHER. Other, terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu SAN (Styrene Acrylonitrile), ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) PC (PolyCarbonate) dan Nylon.
SAN dan ABS merupakan salah satu bahan plastic yang sangat baik untuk digunakan dalam kemasan makanan ataupun minuman. Sedangkan Polycarbonate bisa mengeluarkan bahan utamanya yaitu Bisphenol-A ke dalam makanan dan minuman yang berpotensi merusak sistem hormon. Hindari bahan plastik Polycarbonate dapat ditemukan pada tempat makanan dan minuman seperti botol minum olahraga, suku cadang mobil, alat-alat rumah tangga, komputer, alat-alat elektronik, dan plastik kemasan.

Tips Menggunakan Plastik

Bila kita menemukan kode 1,3,6, dan 7 (PC), sebaiknya tidak digunakan berulang-ulang, sekali saja.

Gunakan plastik yang memiliki kode 2,4,5, dan 7 (hanya SAN dan ABS) untuk menyimpan pangan.

Bila tidak ada kode plastik pada kemasan tersebut, atau bila tipe plastik tidak jelas (misalnya pada kode 7, di mana tidak selamanya berupa polycarbonate), cara terbaik yang paling aman adalah menghubungi produsennya dan menanyakan mereka tentang tipe plastik yang digunakan untuk membuat produk tersebut.

Untuk wadah yang digunakan bayi, sebaiknya pilihlah plastik dengan kode 4 atau 5
Jangan gunakan botol plastik sebagai penyimpan air minum di dalam kulkas. Sehabis minum sebaiknya botol plastik dibuang saja. Bila ingin menyimpan air minum, pakailah botol kaca.

Jangan lupa, penggunaan bahan plastik tidak untuk digunakan di microwave, gunakan bahan keramik atau gelas. Jika terpaksa menggunakan bahan plastik bungkuslah terlebih dahulu makanan dengan daun pisang atau kertas sebelum dibungkus dengan plastik pembungkus ketika akan dipanaskan.

Cegah penggunaan piring dan alat makan plastik untuk masakan. Gunakanlah alat makan berbahan stainless steel, kaca, keramik, dan kayu.

Dan yang perlu diwaspadai adalah kontaminasi zat warna plastik pada makanan. Contohnya kita sering membeli gorengan di pinggir jalan, sering minta sama penjualnya yang panas lalu setelah digoreng langsung dimasukkan ke kantong kresek hitam.

Ternyata zat pewarna hitam ini kalau terkena panas, bisa terurai, terdegradasi menjadi bentuk zat radikal beracun yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan terutama dapat menyebabkan sel tubuh berkembang tidak terkontrol seperti pada penyakit kanker. Jadi mulai sekarang hindarilah menggunakan plastik kresek berwarna hitam untuk makanan, apalagi manakan panas.

(dari berbagai sumber)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Toyota Prius

Toyota Motor Corp terus mengembangkan teknologi ramah lingkungan pada sejumlah produknya. Bahkan dalam waktu dekat Toyota akan memperkenalkan enam kendaraan teknologi hibrida baru dan satu bensin-listrik pada 2012.

Toyota menjamin seluruh varian hibrida itu baru. ”Bukan generasi yang sudah-sudah seperti yang telah ada di pasaran
Dia menambahkan, Toyota akan mengenalkan SUV RAV4 listrik, hasil kerja sama dengan Tesla Motors Inc. Mini SUV berpenggerak listrik murni ini pun masuk dalam jajaran rencana keseluruhan pada dekade berikutnya, terutama saat Toyota fokus pada hibrida dan plug-in listrik.

Selain enam model baru dan tambahan RAV4 listrik, Toyota berjanji akan menjual Toyota Prius plug-in pada musim semi 2012. Tiga tahun kemudian atau 2015, Toyota memasarkan kendaraan hidrogen fuel-cell bertenaga listrik.

Kendaraan hidrogen fuel-cell merupakan target Toyota menuju nol emisi, di mana mobil yang memakai teknologi ini sama sekali tak memiliki emisi gas buang yang beracun, karena sisa emisinya berupa tetesan air.

Toyota juga bersiap-siap memproduksi mobil sport hibrida yang pernah tampil di ajang Tokyo Auto Salon Januari lalu. Bahkan sang Presiden Toyota, Akio Toyoda telah memberikan lampu hijau untuk memproduksi secara massal Toyota Gazoo Racing Master of Nurburgring (GRMN) Sport Hybrid.

GRMN Sport Hybrid merupakan penerus MR2. Mobil ini memang ditujukan untuk anak-anak muda di Jepang.

Mesin yang digunakan bertipe V6 dengan kapasitas 3.300 cc yang diletakkan di posisi tengah bodi mobil. Inilah mobil sport berdaya besar namun tetap hemat dalam mengkonsumsi bbm. Memiliki daya hingga 392 HP tapi tetap nyaman untuk dikemudikan di jalanan kota.(

Hasil MotoGP Aragon Spanyol 2010

Casey Stoner berhasil menjadi yang pertama pada balapan MotoGP seri ke-13 di Sirkuit Motorland Aragon Spanyol, ini merupakan kemenangan kedua pembalap Ducati ini setelah menang di Qatar beberapa waktu lalu.

Start dari posisi pertama Stoer langsung tancap gas meninggalkan Lorenzo dan Hayden, sedangkan Pedrosa start dari posisi ketiga tetapi langsung tercecer di posisi keempat. Dengan susah payah akhirnya dapat finish di posisi kedua.

Pertarungan sengit terjadi dilap akhir antara Lorenzo dan Hayden. Beberapa tngkungan terakhir akhirnya Hayden berhasil mendahului Lorenzo dan akhirnya finish di posisi ketiga.

Berikut Hasil MotoGP Aragon Spanyol 2010
1. Casey STONER Ducati
2. Dani PEDROSA Repsol Honda
3. Nicky HAYDEN Ducati
4. Jorge LORENZO Fiat Yamaha
5. Ben SPIES Monster Yamaha Tech
6. Valentino ROSSI Fiat Yamaha
7. Marco SIMONCELLI San Carlo Honda Gresini
8. Alvaro BAUTISTA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
9. Marco MELANDRI San Carlo Honda Gresini
10. Aleix ESPARGARO Pramac
11. Hector BARBERA Paginas Amarillas Aspar Racing Team
12. Colin EDWARDS Monster Yamaha Tech 3
13. Hiroshi AOYAMA Interwetten Honda MotoGP
14. Mika KALLIO Pramac Racing Team
15. Andrea DOVIZIOSO Repsol Honda (out di lap terakhir)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hasil Kualifikasi MotoGP Aragon Spanyol 2010

Dani Pedrosa menjaga peluang untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam seri ke-13 MotoGP di Sirkuit Aragon, Spanyol. Pembalap andalan tim Repsol Honda itu mencatat waktu tercepat dalam sesi latihan kemarin. Tetapi pada sesi kualifikasi hari ini (18/9) Dani Pedrosa menempati posisi ketiga di belakang Casey Stoner dan Lorenzo.

Melihat performa para pembalap hari ini, persaingan di Grand Prix Aragon bakal seru. Apalagi, itu adalah sirkuit anyar bagi para pembalap. Grand Prix Aragon dipilih untuk menggantikan Sirkuit Balatonring, Hungaria, yang tak siap menyambut balapan musim ini. Alhasil, para pembalap harus menemukan setelan yang pas untuk meraih hasil maksimal di Aragon.

Persaingan seru masih akan melibatkan dua pembalap Spanyol, Pedrosa dan Lorenzo. Dalam dua balapan terakhir di Indianapolis dan Misano, Pedrosa berhasil mengungguli rival beratnya itu. Peta perburuan juara pun menjadi seru. Pedrosa kini hanya tertinggal 63 poin dari Lorenzo dengan enam seri tersisa.

Berikut hasil kualifikasi MotoGP Aragon Spanyol 2010

1. Casey STONER Ducati 1'50.115
2. Jorge LORENZO Fiat Yamaha
3. Dani PEDROSA Repsol Honda
4. Nicky HAYDEN Ducati
5. Ben SPIES Monster Yamaha Tech
6. Randy DE PUNIET LCR Honda MotoGP
7. Valentino ROSSI Fiat Yamaha
8. Andrea DOVIZIOSO Repsol Honda
9. Marco SIMONCELLI San Carlo Honda Gresini
10. Hector BARBERA Paginas Amarillas Aspar
11. Colin EDWARDS Monster Yamaha Tech 3
12. Alvaro BAUTISTA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP
13. Aleix ESPARGARO Pramac Racing Team
14. Marco MELANDRI San Carlo Honda Gresini
15. Hiroshi AOYAMA Interwetten Honda MotoGP
16. Mika KALLIO Pramac Racing Team

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kumpulan Resep Masakan

Recipes are the spice blends and ingredients cuisine, with ingredients easily available which is used to make different types of cuisine that comes from the region, so that food made easy, and practical in presentationKumpulan Resep Masakan racikan bumbu serta bahan Masakan,dengan bumbu-bumbu yang mudah didapat yang digunakan untuk Membuat Berbagai jenis masakan

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Es Alpukat

Material:- 1 medium size avocado fruit- 5 teaspoons granulated sugar- 1 tablespoon of ice cream- 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup from Nestle or any other brand(Can be purchased at the Grocery in plastic bottles)- 3 pieces of ice cubes- A little white waterMethod:- Halve the avocado, then rake in with a spoon, insertin the glass.- Blend the avocado with a spoon to pound- After a fairly smooth (

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hasil Formula 1 Itali 2010

Pembalap andalan Ferrari, Fernando Alonso, benar-benar ngotot berupaya mempertahankan peluang merebut gelar juara dunia 2010. Di hadapan para tifosi di Sirkuit Monza, bintang asal Spanyol itu berhasil finish pertama Grand Prix Italia.

Alonso kemarin tampil spektakuler, mencatat waktu terbaik 1 menit dan 21,934 detik. Dia satu-satunya pembalap yang melintasi sirkuit dalam waktu di bawah 1 menit dan 22 detik. Dan hari ini (12/9) Alonso berhasil mengulangnya kembali

Memasuki GP Italia ini, Alonso memang harus meraih hasil sebaik mungkin. Dia sekarang berada di urutan lima klasemen pembalap dengan 141 poin, tertinggal 41 poin dari posisi teratas. Dengan hanya enam lomba tersisa (termasuk GP Italia akhir pekan ini), Alonso memang harus terus meraih hasil terbaik. Sekali saja dia gagal meraup banyak poin, gelar juara dunia 2010 bakal lepas dari jangkauan.

Peluang Alonso untuk mengejar ketinggalan semakin besar, karena dua pimpinan klasemen kemarin gagal meraih posisi start yang baik. Lewis Hamilton, pembalap McLaren-Mercedes yang kini di puncak klasemen, membuat kesalahan diseri kali ini. Pembalap Inggris ini harus keluar dari balap karena menabrak bagian belakang mobil Ferarri dan masuk gravel.

Berikut Hasil Formula 1 Itali 2010

1. Fernando Alonso, Ferrari
2. Jenson Button, McLaren-Mercedes
3. Felipe Massa, Ferrari
4. Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull-Renault
5. Nico Rosberg, Mercedes GP
6. Mark Webber, Red Bull-Renault
7. Nico Hulkenberg, Williams-Cosworth
8. Robert Kubica, Renault
9. Michael Schumacher, Mercedes GP
10. Rubens Barrichello, Williams-Cosworth
11. Sebastien Buemi, Toro Rosso-Ferrari
12. Vitantonio Liuzzi, Force India-Mercedes
13. Vitaly Petrov, Renault
14. Pedro de la Rosa, Sauber-Ferrari
15. Jaime Alguersuari, Toro Rosso-Ferrari
16. Adrian Sutil, Force India-Mercedes
17. Timo Glock, Virgin-Cosworth
18. Heikki Kovalainen, Lotus-Cosworth
19. Sakon Yamamoto, HRT-Cosworth
20. Lucas di Grassi, Virgin-Cosworth
21. Jarno Trulli, Lotus-Cosworth
22. Bruno Senna, HRT-Cosworth (out)
23. Lewis Hamilton, McLaren-Mercedes (out)
24. Kamui Kobayashi, Sauber-Ferrari (out)

Kontroversi Seputar Memori Serangan 11 September

Kemarin(11/9), tepat pukul 08.46 pagi waktu Amerika Serikat (AS) atau sekitar pukul 20.36 WIB (Sabtu malam), seluruh warga Negeri Paman Sam mengenang kembali serangan teror yang merenggut nyawa sekitar 3.000 warga. Pada jam itu, tempat-tempat ibadah di seantero Kota New York, serentak membunyikan lonceng sebagai tanda berkabung.

Pada 2001, tepat pada detik itulah, dua pesawat milik American Airlines yang dibajak militan Al Qaidah menabrak menara kembar World Trade Center (WTC). Pesawat pertama dengan nomor penerbangan 11 menabrak Menara Utara pada pukul 08.46 waktu setempat. Disusul, pesawat kedua dengan nomor penerbangan 175 yang menghantam Menara Selatan pada pukul 09.03 waktu setempat. Dalam hitungan menit, dua serangan lain yang juga melibatkan pesawat terjadi di Pentagon dan Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Pesawat keempat sedianya diarahkan ke Washington DC.

Meski sudah sembilan tahun berlalu, tragedi 11 September alias 9/11 masih terus menuai kontroversi. Berbeda dengan delapan momen sebelumnya, tahun ini peringatan 9/11 jauh lebih banyak dibayangi perdebatan serius dan cenderung politis. Gara-garanya adalah rencana pembangunan Islamic Center yang dilengkapi masjid di dekat Ground Zero, bekas menara kembar WTC berdiri. Lokasi yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Park51 itu hanya berjarak dua blok dari bekas bangunan dua menara WTC.

Pro dan kontra pun merebak. Sebagian masyarakat mendukung pembangunan gedung 13 lantai yang bakal didominasi baja dan kaca tersebut. Menurut mereka, pusat studi Islam itu akan semakin mempererat persaudaraan muslim dan nonmuslim di negeri adidaya tersebut. Tapi, sebagian yang lain menolak keras karena khawatir bangunan itu justru akan menebarkan Islamophobia di AS. Salah seorang di antara mereka adalah Pendeta Terry Jones dari Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC), Gainesville, Florida.

Jones bahkan mendeklarasikan 11 September sebagai Hari Pembakaran Alquran Sedunia. Dia berniat membakar kitab suci umat Islam itu tepat pada peringatan 9/11 kali ini. Tapi, rencana itu langsung berbuntut kecaman. Mulai Jenderal David Petraeus yang menjadi panglima militer AS di Afghanistan, Presiden Barack Obama, hingga Menteri Pertahanan Robert Gates mengimbau rohaniwan yang memimpin 50 jemaat itu membatalkan niatnya. Bahkan, Gates menelepon Jones secara langsung.

''Kita harus bisa meyakinkan pada diri kita masing-masing bahwa sebagai sesama warga AS, kita tidak akan saling menyakiti. Kita adalah saudara sebangsa yang percaya kepada satu Tuhan meski kita menyebut-Nya dalam berbagai nama,'' papar Obama, pemimpin 48 tahun tersebut, dalam konferensi pers Jumat malam waktu setempat (10/9) atau kemarin pagi WIB di Gedung Putih, seperti dilansir Agence France-Presse kemarin (11/9).

Kendati demikian, sebagai pemimpin bangsa yang mengagungkan ''demokrasi'', Obama tidak bisa melarang Jones menjalankan rencananya. Apalagi, aksi pembakaran Alquran yang menyulut protes di negara-negara muslim belum terlaksana.

Sempat tersiar kabar, Jones bakal mengurungkan niatnya tersebut. Sebab, kabarnya, salah seorang imam yang terlibat dalam proyek pembangunan Masjid Ground Zero berjanji akan memindahkan pembangunan tempat ibadah itu ke lokasi lain.

''Saya tegaskan dan saya konfirmasikan bahwa tidak akan ada pembakaran Alquran pada pukul 18.00 besok (pagi ini sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB). Saya berani menjamin 100 persen,'' tandas pemimpin evangelis DWOC K.A. Paul di hadapan media kemarin. Bersamaan dengan itu, Jones dikabarkan tiba di Bandara LaGuardia, New York. Rencananya, dia akan bertemu dengan Feisal Abdul Rauf, imam yang memimpin pembangunan proyek Park51.

Jones disebut-sebut akan menegosiasikan aksi pembakaran Alquran dengan pemindahan lokasi masjid. Jones yang memutuskan untuk menunda aksi kontroversial itu bermaksud membatalkan rencananya. Asalkan, Rauf bersedia membatalkan pembangunan dan memindahkan Islamic Center beserta Masjid Ground Zero ke lokasi lain yang tidak berdekatan dengan bekas bangunan menara kembar WTC. Tapi, Rauf bersikukuh untuk tetap membangun bangunan megah itu di Ground Zero.

Imam 62 tahun itu berpatokan pada jaminan dan dukungan Obama atas rencana pembangunan kompleks seluas 9.300 meter per segi tersebut. Beberapa waktu lalu presiden kelahiran Hawaii itu memang memublikasikan dukungannya atas proyek yang dipimpin Rauf tersebut. Saat itu Obama rela dikritik masyarakat AS yang sekitar 78 persen warganya adalah Kristiani. Bahkan, dia sempat diisukan beragama Islam karena mendukung proyek kontroversial tersebut.

Namun, Obama menegaskan bahwa dukungannya terhadap pembangunan Islamic Center dan Masjid Ground Zero itu murni berlandasan toleransi. "Jika Anda bisa membangun sebuah gereja di tempat tertentu, Anda pun bisa membangun sinagoge. Jika Anda diperkenankan membangun kuil Hindu di suatu tempat, di tempat itu pula Anda diperkenankan membangun masjid,'' tandas mantan senator muda Illinois itu dalam pidatonya Jumat malam.(

Detasemen Khusus 88

Detasemen Khusus 88 Mabes Polri segera berubah struktur. Korps burung hantu itu bertanggung jawab langsung di bawah Kapolri. Densus 88 juga akan dipimpin seorang jenderal berbintang dua. Tinggal menunggu Perpres No 52 Tahun 2010 pertengahan bulan ini.

Berdasar aturan baru itu, Densus tidak lagi ditemukan dalam struktur kepolisian daerah (polda). Mereka akan ditarik ke Mabes Polri dan bertransformasi menjadi sebuah korps seperti Brigade Mobile (Brimob).Di wilayah nanti hanya ada CRT (crisis response team) sebagai pemukul yang sudah dididik di Amerika. Nanti (CRT) ada di bawah Dansat Brimobda (Komandan Satuan Brigadir Mobile Daerah).

Detasemen itu hanya mengurusi pengambilan kebijakan di pusat. Namun, mereka tetap bisa digerakkan jika suatu waktu diperlukan tenaganya di daerah. Menanggapi rencana itu, pengamat kepolisian Noor Huda Ismail menilai secara organisasi, otomatis kerja Densus lebih terkontrol karena satu komando. Tapi, sisi negatifnya, isu terorisme bisa lebih bernuansa politis karena banyak kepentingan bermain dalam tubuh kepolisian.

Yang kedua, pilihan sikap yang cenderung copy dan paste sistem AS, seperti penggunaan istilah asing, bisa berdampak negatif. Bagi para ikhwan, itu jelas menunjukkan adanya pesanan dari Amerika Serikat. Densus harus lebih mengedepankan penegakan hukum yang terbuka, nonrepresif, dan menggandeng pihak-pihak lain. Densus jangan sampai terkesan over duty dalam penanganan terorisme, yaitu prevention, detention, dan post detention.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Know if Someone is Your Soul Mate


Every person in this world can feel so lonesome despite the many people and things that concern one. It seems there is something lacking inside that has to be searched for out there, like the one person we can be comfortable with, like a soul mate. Thus, it will be best for you to find the ways on meeting your soul mate.

Meeting your soul mate is also called by others as meeting your twin spirits. This event is equated to the feeling of deep connection with another that can be inexplicable. The concept of soul mates is associated to the spiritual experience. This serves as a metaphor to represent that wonderful event that is beyond words to define.

It is believed that soul mates came about because the two people, no matter how far they are in this world, find their way in the same path. They may be exact opposites, but their connection makes them easily complement one another. They may also be so alike that they will share the same views.
Knowing and meeting your soul mate is a very refreshing event. However, some people might find it difficult to think that they will find their soul mate. There are many strangers in this world. How can one bump to the destined person? How can one know that someone is the right soul mate?

How to Know If Someone Is Your Soul Mate?
If you are worried that meeting your soul mate might not happen in this lifetime, then it is high time to start exploring your options. There are many people in this world. It might be difficult to simply guess. Consider the various ways on knowing and meeting your soul mate.
The points provided here are helpful tips to know if someone is your destined twin spirit. However, these have to be carefully evaluated with the situation. There is no one formula in meeting your soul mate. Sometimes it takes time. Sometimes it takes some luck. It is not bad to hope that you get to meet that perfect person soon enough.

1. Sharing the Same Sentiments and Priorities
Try talking to the people you meet. A soul mate will definitely be able to relate to your views and sentiments. Some people say that your soul mate is your complete opposite. Others insist that you will think and feel alike. No matter which view it may be, in meeting your soul mate, you should feel something in common, like sharing a special thought or view.

2. Determine the Comfort Level
Whenever you meet someone new, it takes some time before you get to feel at ease. However, in meeting your soul mate, he or she is definitely someone you can easily feel comfortable with. You will be surprised that you can easily open up and converse even if you just met. This is a gut feeling that you have to be aware of in meeting your soul mate.

3. Have Faith
Most people may have difficulty finding their soul mate. Meeting your soul mate is not something that you can easily advertise. Thus, it is important to have faith in your self and in the future. Things will happen. Sometimes, we only have to wait for the proper time. Just stay in your belief until you know that someone you meet is your soul mate.
It is a big deal to find your destiny. It is even a more important deal to find the ways on knowing and meeting your soul mate.

Top 10 Best Friendship Quote and Saying

quotes.gif best friend quotes. image by rippergirl
Top 10 Friendship Quote :

1. A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.

2. If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.

3. A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad.

4. The words that escape a friend's mouth are "I'll be there when you say you need me" but the words that are unheard from a true friend's heart are "I'll be there... whether you say you need me or not."

5. Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.

6. It's the times we're so crazy,
that people think we're high.
It's the times we laugh so hard,
we can't help but cry.
It's all the inside jokes
and "remember whens".
those are all the reasons
that we're best friends!

7. The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.

8. If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them

9. A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.

10. When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.

You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.

We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hasil MotoGP San Marino 2010

Lorenzo masih memimpin klasemen dengan total perolehan poin 271 poin atau unggul 63 poin dari Pedrosa setelah balapan hari ini (5/9) di sirkuit Misano San Marino gagal membendung kedasyatan Honda RC 212V.

Duel seru terjadi antara Valentino Rossi dan Casey Stoner untuk memperebutkan posisi ketiga. Rossi yang start di posisi keempat beberapa kali mencoba melewati Stoner di awal-awal balapan.

Kerja keras Rossi akhirnya membuahkan hasil saat di lap 11 mampu melewati Stoner yang membela Ducati. Rossi akhirnya finish di urutan ketiga. Sedangkan Stoner harus rela berada di posisi kelima setelah juga mampu dilewati Andrea Dovizioso.

Berikut hasil MotoGP San Marino

1. Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda
2. Jorge Lorenzo, Fiat Yamaha
3. Valentino Rossi, Fiat Yamaha
4. Andrea Dovizioso, Repsol Honda
5. Casey Stoner, Marlboro Ducati
6. Ben Spies, Tech 3 Yamaha
7. Colin Edwards, Yamaha Tech 3
8. Alvaro Bautista, Rizla Suzuki
9. Hector Barbera, Aspar Ducati
10. Marco Melandri, Honda Gresini
11. Aleix Espargaro, Pramac Ducati
12. H. Aoyama, Interwetten Honda
13. Marco Simoncelli, Honda Gresini
14. Randy de Puniet, LCR Honda
15. Mika Kallio, Pramac Ducati

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hasil Kualifikasi MotoGP San Marino 2010

Pedrosa merebut pole position MotoGP San Marino di Sirkuit Misano. Pedrosa membukukan waktu tercepat 1 menit 33,948 detik. Pembalap Repsol Honda itu unggul 0,308 detik dari Lorenzo.

Kemenangan memang tidak menjamin Pedrosa akan menggusur Lorenzo. Bahkan, Lorenzo tetap jadi juara dunia jika selalu finis ketiga meski Pedrosa selalu menang.

Namun, konsistensi Pedrosa yang pekan lalu menang di Indianapolis bakal memberikan tekanan kepada Lorenzo. Sebab, bukan tidak mungkin dalam sisa lomba Lorenzo tertimpa sial sehingga gagal menuai poin. Jika itu terjadi, peluang Pedrosa langsung terbuka.

Bagi Pedrosa, sukses kemarin adalah pole keempat selama musim ini. Bukti bahwa Pedrosa begitu all-out untuk merebut pole position adalah dia baru membukukan catatan waktu tercepat saat sesi kualifikasi tersisa empat menit saja. Lorenzo sempat berjuang untuk mengejarnya. Namun, dia tidak berhasil.

Dominasi Pedrosa di sesi kualifikasi itu merupakan lanjutan dominasi yang ditunjukkannya di sesi latihan sehari sebelumnya. Meski Lorenzo sempat menunjukkan kecepatan di sesi latihan terakhir, Pedrosa mendapat peningkatan yang baik sejak awal kualifikasi.

Lorenzo mengakui kesulitan mengejar catatan waktu Pedrosa saat kualifikasi. Power Honda terbukti menjadi senjata ampuh untuk menaklukkan Misano. Karena itu, Lorenzo menganggap selisih waktu 0,3 detik di kualifikasi sudah cukup baik baginya untuk pertarungan di balapan.

Barisan terdepan start di Sirkuit Misano bakal dilengkapi pembalap Ducati, Casey Stoner. Stoner memperoleh catatan waktu terbaik dengan cukup dramatis. Setelah sempat menguasai awal sesi, dia terjatuh. Ketika kembali lagi ke lintasan, dia masih kompetitif hingga sesi kualifikasi usai.

Sementara itu, jagoan tuan rumah Valentino Rossi harus puas start dari posisi keempat. Baru pulih dari patah kaki kanan dan cedera bahu sepertinya menyisakan hambatan untuk pembalap berjuluk The Doctor itu. Namun, dia tetap tidak bisa diremehkan dalam persaingan juara karena punya pengalaman hebat di Misano. Dalam dua tahun terakhir dia adalah pemenang di sana.

Berikut hasil kualifikasi MotoGP San Marino

1. Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda 1 menit 33,948 detik

2. Jorge Lorenzo, Fiat Yamaha 1:34,256

3. Casey Stoner, Marlboro Ducati 1:34,397

4. Valentino Rossi, Fiat Yamaha 1:34,470

5. Ben Spies, Tech 3 Yamaha 1:34,472

6. Randy de Puniet, LCR Honda 1:34,751

7. Colin Edwards, Yamaha Tech 3 1:34,782

8. Andrea Dovizioso, Repsol Honda 1:34,826

9. Marco Simoncelli, Honda Gresini 1:34,934

10. Marco Melandri, Honda Gresini 1:35,018

11. Loris Capirossi, Rizla Suzuki 1:35,096

12. Hector Barbera, Aspar Ducati 1:35,259

13. H. Aoyama, Interwetten Honda 1:35,286

14. Nicky Hayden, Ducati Marlboro 1:35,303

15. Aleix Espargaro, Pramac Ducati 1:35,438

16. Alvaro Bautista, Rizla Suzuki 1:35,629

17. Mika Kallio, Pramac Ducati 1:35,724

Friday, September 3, 2010

How To Be a Better Friend 

Make time for friendships. Nothing makes closeness fade away more than never talking to or seeing each other. While some bonds of friendship may be strong enough to span long silences, most aren't. If you cherish a person's friendship, make time for him or her, whether it's just the occasional phone call, e-mail or a weekly get-together.
  • On your computer at home or work, make a note to "call friends" regularly.

  • Keep a Post-it note on the phone, the bathroom mirror, the car dashboard, anywhere you're likely to see it.

  • Also make sure your friends' phone numbers are programmed into your phone. Then call a friend when you have a spare 10 minutes.

  • Schedule a regular once-a-month lunch – same time, same place.
Remember: a true friend doesn't flee when changes occur. Nothing is sadder for new parents than to find that their single friends have abandoned them because of the baby. A good friend is one who stays true through it all – marriage, parenthood, new jobs, new homes, any losses. Just because a situation's changed doesn't mean the person has.

Make sure you aren't being a burden to a friend. Friendships fade away if there isn't an equilibrium between the give and the take. Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can't offer you – be it time, energy or help – and don't overstep the mark. And vice versa: friendships that drain you will not last. If a friendship is out of balance, talk the situation through.

Be a good listener. It can be the hardest thing in the world to do – simply to listen as he or she pours it all out or is seeking your advice or opinion. To be a better listener, follow this advice:

  • Maintain eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs to indicate that you understand his or her point of view.

  • Don't finish your friend's sentences. If you catch yourself planning your response while your friend is still talking, gently remind yourself to focus.

  • Minimize distractions – don't write or read e-mails, open the mail or watch television while you're on the phone to your friend. He or she will hear the lack of interest in your responses.

  • Be careful with advice. Assume your friend wants to let off steam, not necessarily ask for a plan of action.
Be in your friend's corner if he or she's not there to defend him or herself. If you're at a gathering at which someone mentions your friend disparagingly, defend him or her against gossip or criticism. Say, "Mary is my friend, and it makes me feel bad to hear you talk this way." Sooner or later, news of your loyalty will travel back to your pal, and it will deepen your friendship.

24 Things You Might Be Saying Wrong

You never mean: Could care less

You always mean: Couldn't care less

Why: You want to say you care so little already that you couldn't possibly care any less. When the Boston Celtics' Ray Allen said, "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot," we know he meant exactly the opposite because 1) God has other things on his mind, and 2) God is a Knicks fan.

You might say: Mano a mano

You might mean: Man-to-man

Why: You don't speak Spanish by adding vowels to the end of English words, as a columnist describing father–teenage son relationships seemed to think when he wrote, "Don't expect long, mano a mano talks." Mano a mano (literally, "hand to hand") originated with bullfighting and usually refers to a knock-down, drag-out direct confrontation.

You might say: Less

You might mean: Fewer

Why: In general, use fewer when you're specifying a number of countable things ("200 words or fewer"); reserve less for a mass ("less than half"). So when you're composing a tweet, do it in 140
characters or fewer, not less.

You never mean: Hone in

You always mean: Home in

Why: Like homing pigeons, we can be single-minded about finding our way to a point: "Scientists are homing in on the causes of cancer." Hone means "to sharpen": "The rookie spent the last three seasons honing his skills in the minor leagues." But it's easy to mishear m's and n's, which is probably what happened to the Virginia senator who said, "We've got to hone in on cost containment." If you're unsure, say "zero in" instead.

You might say: Bring

You might mean: Take

Why: The choice depends on your point of view. Use bring when you want to show motion toward you ("Bring the dog treats over here, please"). Use take to show motion in the opposite direction ("I have to take Rufus to the vet"). The rule gets confusing when the movement has nothing to do with you. In those cases, you can use either verb, depending on the context: "The assistant brought the shot to the vet" (the vet's point of view); "the assistant took the shot to the doctor" (the assistant's).

You might say: Who

You might mean: Whom

Why: It all depends. Do you need a subject or an object? A subject (who) is the actor of the sentence: "Who left the roller skates on the sidewalk?" An object (whom) is the acted-upon: "Whom are you calling?" Parents, hit the Mute button when Dora the Explorer shouts, "Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?"

You almost never mean: Brother-in-laws, runner-ups, hole in ones, etc.

You almost always mean: Brothers-in-law, runners-up, holes in one, etc.

Why: Plurals of these compound nouns are formed by adding an s to the thing there's more than one of (brothers, not laws). Some exceptions: words ending in ful (mouthfuls) and phrases like cul-de-sacs.

You almost never mean: Try and

You almost always mean: Try to

Why: Try and try again, yes, but if you're planning to do something, use the infinitive form: "I'm going to try to run a marathon." Commenting on an online story about breakups, one woman wrote, "A guy I dated used to try and impress me with the choice of books he was reading." It's no surprise that the relationship didn't last.

You almost never mean: Different than

You almost always mean: Different from

Why: This isn't the biggest offense, but if you can easily substitute from for than (My mother's tomato sauce is different from my mother-in-law's), do it. Use than for comparisons: My mother's tomato sauce is better than my mother-in-law's.

You almost never mean: Beg the question

You almost always mean: Raise the question

Why: Correctly used, "begging the question" is like making a circular argument (I don't like you because you're so unlikable). But unless you're a philosophy professor, you shouldn't ever need this phrase. Stick to "raise the question."

You might say: More than

You can also say: Over

Why: The two are interchangeable when the sense is "Over 6,000 hats were sold." We like grammarian Bryan Garner's take on it: "The charge that over is inferior to more than is a baseless crotchet."

You almost never mean: Supposably

You almost always mean: Supposedly

Why: Supposably is, in fact, a word—it means "conceivably"—but not the one you want if you're trying to say "it's assumed," and certainly not the one you want if you're on a first date with an English major or a job interview with an English speaker.

You might say: All of

You probably mean: All

Why: Drop the of whenever you can, as Julia Roberts recently did, correctly: "Every little moment is amazing if you let yourself access it. I learn that all the time from my kids." But you need all of before a pronoun ("all of them") and before a possessive noun ("all of Julia's kids").

You might say: That

You might mean: Which

Why: "The money that is on the table is for you" is different from "the money, which is on the table, is for you." That pinpoints the subject: The money that is on the table is yours; the money in my pocket is mine. Which introduces an aside, a bit of extra information. If you remove "which is on the table," you won't change the meaning: The money is for you (oh, and unless you don't want it, it's on the table). If the clause is necessary to your meaning, use that; if it could safely be omitted, say which.

You never mean: Outside of

You always mean: Outside

Why: These two prepositions weren't meant for each other. Perfectly acceptable: "Wearing a cheese-head hat outside Wisconsin will likely earn you some stares and glares (unless you're surrounded by Green Bay Packers fans, that is)."

You might say: Each other

You might mean: One another

Why: Tradition says that each other should be used with two people or things, and one another with more than two, and careful speakers should follow suit: "The three presenters argued with one another over who should announce the award, but Ann and Barbara gave each other flowers after the ceremony." (By the way, if you need the possessive form of either one when writing that business letter, it's always each other's and one another's; never end with s'.)

8 Confusing Pairs

leery, wary: suspicious
weary: tired

farther: for physical distance
further: for metaphorical distance or time

principle: rule
principal: of your school

compliment: nice thing to say
complement: match

continual: ongoing but intermittent
continuous: without interruption

stationary: stands still
stationery: paper

imply: to suggest a meaning
infer: to draw meaning from something

affect: typically a verb, meaning "to act upon or cause an effect"; as a noun, it's "an emotional response"
effect: typically a noun, meaning "something produced," like a special effect; as a verb, "to bring about," as in "to effect change"