Prediksi Redbull akan menjuarai seri perdana Formula 1 2011 ternyata benar-bena r terjadi. Sebastian Vettel memenangi Seri pertama di sirkuit Albert Park Merlbourne Australia. Sedangkan rekan setimnya yang juga pembalap Australia Mark Webber harus berjibaku untuk dapat naik podium pertamanya walaupun pada akhirnya harus puas finish diurutan 5 di belakang Fernando Alonso. Diurutan kedua ditempati oleh pembalap Mclaren Lewis Hamilton dan di urutan ketiga pembalap Renault Vitaly Petrov pembalap Lotus Renault GP.
Berikut hasil F1 Australia 2011
1. Sebastian Vettel Red Bull 2. Lewis Hamilton McLaren 3. Vitaly Petrov Lotus Renault GP 4. Fernando Alonso Ferrari 5. Mark Webber Red Bull 6. Jenson Button McLaren 7. Sergio Perez Sauber 8. Kamui Kobayashi Sauber 9. Felipe Massa Ferrari 10. Sebastien Buemi Toro Rosso 11. Adrian Sutil Force India 12. Paul di Resta Force India 13. Jaime Alguersuari Toro Rosso 14. Nick Heidfeld Lotus Renault GP 15. Jarno Trulli Lotus 16. Jérôme D’Ambrosio Virgin 17. Timo Glock Virgin 18. Rubens Barrichello Williams 19. Nico Rosberg Mercedes GP 20. Heikki Kovalainen Lotus 21. Michael Schumacher Mercedes GP 22. Pastor Maldonado Williams
Juara bertahan Formula 1 2010, Sebastian Vettel berhasil meraih pole position pada kualifikasi yang dilangsungkan di sirkuit Albert Park, Melbourne, Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011. Vettel akhirnya menjadi yang tercepat setelah pada sesi latihan tiga. Sedangkan Mark Webber, akhirnya harus puas berada di tempat ketiga setelah rivalnya, Lewis Hamilton berhasil menyodok tempat kedua.
Sementara, pembalap tercepat pada sesi latihan dua, Jenson Button, berada di tempat keempat. Hasil ini menunjukkan dominasi Red Bull dan McLaren selama sesi latihan dan kualifikasi menyambut pembukaan ajang kejuaraan Formula 1 di Australia besok, 27 Maret 2011.
Fernando Alonso, hanya mampu berada di tempat kelima. Sementara rekannya, Felipe Massa, akhirnya sukses naik ke posisi delapan setelah sempat terseok di sesi latihan. Vitalyl Petrov dari Renault dan Kamui Kobayashi berhasil kembali membuat kejutan dengan mempertahankan posisinya di sepuluh terdepan, yaitu urutan enam dan sembilan.
Pembalap Mercedes yang juga juara dunia tujuh kali, Michael Schumacher, justru terlempar jauh ke posisi sebelas. Rekan Nico Rosberg ini harus puas memulai start sesi pembukaan besok di belakang Sebastian Buemi. Rosberg sendiri sukses di posisi tujuh. Persaingan antara Red Bull dengan McLaren sepertinya memang akan sangat dinantikan pecinta F1. Persaingan antarsesama tim Red Bull, Vettel dan Webber juga patut ditunggu juga ditambah adanya ancaman dari McLaren serta calon lainnya, Fernando Alonso.
Berikut hasil kualifikasi F1 Australia 2011
1. Sebastian Vettel Red Bull 2. Lewis Hamilton McLaren 3. Mark Webber Red Bull 4. Jenson Button McLaren 5. Fernando Alonso Ferrari 6. Vitaly Petrov Lotus Renault GP 7. Nico Rosberg Mercedes GP 8. Felipe Massa Ferrari 9. Kamui Kobayashi Sauber 10. Sebastien Buemi Toro Rosso 11. Michael Schumacher Mercedes GP 12. Jaime Alguersuari Toro Rosso 13. Sergio Perez Sauber 14. Paul di Resta Force India 15. Pastor Maldonado Williams 16. Adrian Sutil Force India 17. Rubens Barrichello Williams 18. Nick Heidfeld Lotus Renault GP 19. Heikki Kovalainen Lotus 20. Jarno Trulli Lotus 21. Timo Glock Virgin 22. Jérôme D’Ambrosio Virgin 23. Vitantonio Liuzzi HRT 24. Narain Karthikeyan HRT
Being lonely is hard, and many people can become very depressed because of it. Whether you're going to be alone for one night or one year, this article should help you not only cope with being lonely, but have fun while doing
1. Be productive. Is there something you've always wanted to do? Maybe you wanted to learn origami, or a new language. Maybe it's time to clean your room, or try to cook. Go on a run. Not only will you feel better, but you might meet someone along the way.
2. Think of the reasons why you're lonely. Chances are that you're lonely for a reason, maybe you're grounded, or your all of your friends are on vacation! Maybe you've just moved to a new place, and are having trouble getting used to it. Either way, it's not shameful to be alone, you have a reason. Everybody gets lonely.
3. Try to talk to the people you do see. Have a conversation with your dad or your sister or brother. Try to talk to classmates or colleagues as well. Talk to your pet if you need to. Don't let yourself get used to being alone, this will make it more difficult to talk to others later.
4. Try texting someone if your friends went to a party that you couldn't go to, ask them to come over the next day and tell you all about it.
The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free) you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed.
2. All could change for the better at any time
Sure, right now it stinks. But it could all alter in a blink of an eye. If you keep striving and searching at some point a breakthrough will occur. That could be today, tomorrow or in the next hour. You don’t know but why walk away when the turn of the tide could come at any moment?
Today hurts. Today your emotions are all over the place. You are lost and feeling beaten. Who hasn’t at some point? But that’s only today. Tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. Take a look at tomorrow’s date. It’s never existed before. It’s a brand new day. And with it can come brand new answers and information and the tide turns. The past has always given way to the future and tomorrow yours could be very bright.
4. You Are Strong You are stronger than you think. One little setback is not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Neither are 10 or 100 or 1000 setbacks.
5. Be Realistic The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost non-existent. Everything takes time to learn and you will make mistakes. Learn from them.
6. Your Family and Friends. Let the people you love and who mean the world to you be your inspiration to persist and persevere. Maybe you need to try a different angle, study more or practice more but don’t give up!
7. It could be a wake up call
Not all problems are hassles without a meaning. Some are caused by ourselves. Whilst we want the quickest doorway out of darker periods they make actually point to how we have been long damaging or sabotaging our own life. Continued nightmare scenarios are a sign that we need to take a good hard look at what we may be doing. They are the effects but we are the cause. If darkness persists maybe it’s time to shed light on the real source?
Some wake up calls start with an alarm first.
8. Prove Yourself You don’t want to be known as someone that is weak and gives up. Go out there and prove yourself to the world and to yourself. You CAN and WILL achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.
As I write this the sun is shining. On my smiling face. I made it and so can you. Don’t give up PLEASE because you have every reason not to. And the main one is you. You will shine and good times will come again. Back then I was promised that one day I would cry tears of happiness. Today writing this post the promise was kept. I promise you one day you will do the same.
Honda benar-benar ingin menjadi penguasa kendaraan roda 2 di Indonesia. Baru-baru ini PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) meluncurkan varian bebek Absolute Revo, yaitu Revo Fit. Ini merupakan sepeda motor termurah milik Honda yang hanya dibandrol Rp11,4 juta.
Dengan lahirnya versi Fit, saat ini, Astra Honda menyediakan tiga varian Revo, yaitu Revo Fit, Absolute Revo Spoke Wheel (SW), dan Absolte Revo Casting Wheel (CW). Honda Revo SW saat ini dibandrol Rp12 juta dan Revo CW Rp13,2 juta, untuk wilayah Jakarta.
Ketiga Revo baru ini masih mengusung mesin yang sama, 4-tak 110cc berteknologi Efficient & Low Friction Technology. Mesin SOHC ini yang bisa mengeluarkan tenaga 8,7 Ps pada torsi 7.500 rpm.
Revo Fit kali ini memberikan bagasi serbaguna dengan kapasitas 7 liter, jauh lebih besar dari Revo sebelumnya yang hanya 4,7 liter.
Selain meluncurkan Revo Fit, Astra Honda Motor juga mengganti tampilan Supra X 125. Executive Vice President Director PT Astra Honda Motor, Johanes Loman, mengklaim tampilan baru Supra ini lebih segar dan dinamis.
Penggantian tampilan ini, menurut dia, untuk memperlebar pangsa pasar Supra. Selama ini, menurut Loman, Supra X identik dengan pengguna yang mapan. "Kami ingin menambah sasaran anak muda," katanya.
Sejak pertama kali diluncurkan pada 1997, Supra telah terjual lebih dari 11 juta unit. Dengan produk baru ini, AHM menargetkan penjualan Supra mencapai 50 ribu unit per bulan.
Harga Supra X 125 baru tidak mengalami perubahan, yaitu Rp14,3 juta (SW) dan Rp15,4 juta (CW) untuk wilayah Jakarta
Bahan: - 1 ekor ayam, potong 4 bagian - 2 ltr air - 200 gr udang, kupas kulit dan ekornya - 10 bh bakso ikan, belah dua - 50 gr sedap malam, rendam, tiriskan - 50 gr jamur kuping, rendam, tiriskan - 100 gr soun, rendam, tiriskan - 2 bh wortel, iris melintang tipis - 50 gr kapri - 3 sdm margarin - 3 bh bawang putih, cincang - 6 bh bawang merah, iris tipis - ½ sdt lada halus - ½ sdt garam dan gula - 1 bh kaldu ayam - ½ sdt bunga pala
Cara membuat: 1. Masak air hingga mendidih, masukkan ayam, rebus hingga matang, angkat ayam, ambil dagingnya, potong dadu. Sisihkan. Biarkan kaldu ayam tetap dalam panci. 2. Sedap malam dibuat tali simpul, sisihkan. Jamur kuping diiris kasar, sisihkan.3. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah hingga harum, masukkan udang, aduk hingga berubah warna, tuangkan ke dalam kaldu panas. 4. Didihkan kembali kaldu, masukkan daging ayam, wortel, jamur kuping, bakso, dan sedap malam, masak terus hingga mendidih, masukkan lada halus, bunga pala, garam dan kaldu blok aduk rata, terakhir masukkan kapri dan soun, biarkan mendidih sebentar, angkat.
Bahan : - 200 gr fillet ayam, cincang kasar - 3 sdm minyak goreng - 2 sdm kecap asin - 1250 ml kaldu ayam - 1 kaleng jagung, buang airnya - 1 sdm garam - 5 sdm tepung sagu, cairkan dengan 8 sdm air - 2 butir telur, kocok lepas - ¼ sdt merica bubuk - Bumbu penyedap sesuai selera - ½ sdt minyak wijen Bahan Pelengkap:
- 1 sdm kecap asin - 1 sdm perasan air jahe - 1 sdm tepung sagu - merica secukupnya
Cara Membuat: 1. Lumuri ayam dengan bahan untuk melumuri ayam, diamkan selama 15 menit. 2. Panaskan minyak, tuangkan kecap asin. Masukkan kaldu. Masak sampai mendidih. Masukkan ayam dan jagung. Aduk-aduk sampai mendidih. Masukkan garam. 3. Masukkan cairan tepung sagu, aduk rata. Masukkan telu kocok perlahan-lahan sambil terus diaduk. 4. Masukkan merica, bumbu penyedap (jika suka), dan minyak wijen. Angkat. Sajikan panas-panas.
Bahan Bumbu: - bawang bombay, 1/4 bh, cincang halus - olive oil, 3 sdm, untuk menumis
Bahan Pelengkap : - Garlic bread - Parmesan chesee
Cara Membuat:
1. Didihkan kaldu ayam. Sementara itu, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, kemudian masukkan tomat cincang dan italian herb.
2. Tumis kembali hingga tomat tidak berbau langu.
3. Dengan menggunakan hand blender, haluskan tumisan kemudian masukkan ke dalam kaldu. Tambahkan tomat pasta, masak dengan api kecil hingga aromanya keluar. Tambahkan air bila perlu, sesuai kekentalan yang diinginkan. Masukkan wortel, masak hingga matang.
4. Masukkan bahan-bahan lainnya, masak kembali hingga seluruhnya matang. Bubuhi garam, gula pasir dan merica. Cicipi rasanya sampai dirasa cukup lezat.
5. Hidangkan dalam keadaan hangat bersama garlic bread. Bila suka taburi atasnya dengan parmesan chesee.
Bahan: - 500 cc kaldu ayam - 3 siung bawang merah, cincang kasar - 5 lembar daun jeruk - 2 batang sere, potong ukuran 3 cm - 2 cm lengkuas, iris tipis - 5 buah cabai rawit, cincang kasar - 3 siung bawang putih, cincang kasar - 3 sendok makan air jeruk nipis - 6 sendok makan kecap ikan - 1 sendok teh gula pasir - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 1 sendok makan namprik (saus cabai Thailand) - 120 gram udang, bersihkan - 25 gram jamur merang, belah jadi 2
Cara Membuat: 1. Didihkan kaldu ayam bersama-sama dengan bawang putih, bawang merah, daun jeruk, sere, lengkuas, dan cabai rawit. 2. Tambahkan air jeruk nipis, kecap ikan, gula, garam, dan namprik, aduk rata. 3. Masukkan udang dan jamur merang, aduk rata, masak hingga mendidih dan matang, angkat, taburi atasnya dengan daun ketumbar secukupnya. Selamat mencoba dan selamat menikmati.
Whether you're eating on-the-go, on a budget, or with friends who couldn't care less about their diets, you'll probably end up eating at a fast food restaurant despite your best efforts to avoid them. They're everywhere, they're cheap, and they're convenient -- so what's a dieter to do? Take the following steps to minimize the impact of fast food on your diet.
1. Read the nutrition pamphlet. If there are certain fast food chains you tend to patronize, visit their websites for nutritional information. Determine what they have to offer that's more nutritious and lower in calories than other items on the menu. Make a list to keep in your wallet or purse, in case you forget ("...which one had 700 calories?"). If you don't have a chance to do your fast food homework, some places have nutritional information pamphlets available near the registers. If so, skim through one before ordering, if you can.
2. Read the ingredients list. The nutrition pamphlet won't tell you everything. Trans fat from the process of hydrogenation is a major risk factor for heart disease. Due to FDA regulations, if a food item has less than 0.5g of trans fat "per serving," it will be rounded down to 0g on the nutrition facts sheet. The only way to make sure you aren't eating any trans fat is to scan the ingredients list for any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, and avoid eating food items which contain them.
3. Plan ahead. Most major fast food chains have websites, and most now offer the nutrition information on-line. Select your meal and tally the calories before heading to the restaurant.
4. Cast away the condiments. A salad is a healthier choice until you soak it in high-fat salad dressing and sprinkle it with cheese. Avoid or minimize the following:
* Salad dressing - contains fats in the oil, but read the labels, because sometimes the fats are "good fats" like extra virgin olive oil. The lowest-calorie salad dressing is usually the healthiest choice. Don't feel like you have to use the whole package. A small drizzle may be all you need.
* Cheese - high in saturated fat, but if your diet is low in calcium and you cannot tolerate milk, one slice of cheese will help provide that.
* Sour cream
* Ketchup - many U.S. brands have high fructose corn syrup
* Sauces which are high in sugars and/or fat. If you need a sauce for flavor, look for the one with the fewest calories. Mustard is good for sandwiches, Vinegar is good for fries, and lemon juice is good for salads.
* Syrup
* Salt (in excess). Be aware that sodium is hidden throughout most fast foods, so the foods you would think have the most sodium (salted fries, for example) may actually not have as much sodium as other foods.
* Mayonnaise (a tablespoon of regular mayonnaise has almost 100 calories[1]).
5. Choose grilled chicken instead. Fried chicken contains a lot more calories and fat.
6. Ask for extra veggie toppings on your sandwich. Extra tomato, lettuce, and onion will add more vitamins, fiber, and flavor to the sandwich and only add a few calories. This can help turn a small burger into something more substantial.
7. Substitute a healthier side dish for fries. Some fast food chains allow this. For example, a small garden side salad with low calorie dressing or fresh apple slices. Choose these more often.
8. Eat no more than half of what's served to you. Fast food joints are well-known for their big portions. A single serving typically provides enough calories for two meals![2]" Split your meal with someone else. As soon as you get your meal, divide it in half and keep the other half out of sight. If you can't give it to anyone, save it for the next day's meal. You don't have to get the signature sandwich at the restaurant; you can get a regular hamburger (which is usually half the size of the signature 1/4 pound burger) instead.
9. Have water with your meal. A large soda (32 ounces) has about 400 calories that you can probably do without. Ask for water (sparkling, if it's available, and you won't miss the bubbles). At the very least, drink a diet soda to avoid the calories. If you have a sip between every bite, you'll also slow down your eating time. Numerous studies have shown that eating slowly results in eating less" which, when you're eating at a fast food joint, is definitely a good thing.
10. Continue avoiding fast food places. "Healthy" is relative term, especially in this context. Making the choices described above is only healthy if you visit fast food restaurants sparingly, when you find yourself with no other choice. If you get too comfortable and start thinking that you can eat at fast food places more often because you're confident in your ability to make "healthy" choices, the results won't be healthy at all if you become tempted by the large selection of unhealthy choices. The healthiest choice is to avoid fast food venues in the first place.
Bahan: - 1 ekor bebek, cuci bersih, seduh air mendidih - 300 gram bihun, seduh air mendidih - 2000 cc air - 2 sendok makan teh garam - 1 sendok tah lada bubuk - 5 batang daun bawang ambil putihnya - 1 sendok makan qi xi (dapat beli di toko obat cina)5 cm jahe, memarkan - 1 sendok makan kaldu ayam bubuk - 15 siung bawang putih, cincang goreng - Daun selada secukupnya - Daun ketumbar secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
1. Masak air hingga mendidih, masukkan jahe, daun bawang, qi xi, kaldu ayam, garam, lada. Masak sampai bebek empuk. Angkat bebek, ambil dagingnya 2. Siapkan mangkuk. Beri daun selada, bihun, daging bebek. Tuang kuah bebek mendidih. Diatasnya beri taburan bawang putih goreng dan daun ketumbar.
Bahan Kuah: - 1 sdm minyak sayur - ½ sdt minyak wijen - 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus - 20 g bawang bombay, cincang - 75 g udang kupas - 1 sdm saus tiram - 1 sdm kecap asin - 1 sdt kecap manis - ½ sdt merica bubuk - 1 sdt garam - 200 ml air - 75 g wortel, iris tipis - 75 g jamur shimeji abu atau jamur merang, potong-potong - 3 batang bokchoy, potong-potong - 2 sdt tepung kanji, larutkan dengan sedikit air
Cara Membuat:
1. Seduh bihun dengan air panas hingga mengembang dan lunak. Tiriskan. 2. Kuah:Tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga layu dan wangi. 3. Masukkan udang, aduk hingga berubah warna. 4. Masukkan bumbu, aduk rata. 5. Tuangi air, didihkan. 6. Masukkan sayuran, masak hingga layu dan mendidih. 7. Tuangi larutan tepung kanji, didihkan hingga kental. Angkat. 8. Taruh bihun di piring saji. 9. Tuangi Kuahnya. Sajikan.
Bahan: - 2 gelas air - 50 g tetelan daging sapi, potong dadu - 10 butir bakso sapi - 1/2 sdt garam - 1/4 sdt merica bubuk - 100 g bihun, siram air panas dan tiriskan - 1 batang daun bawang, iris - 1 batang seledri, iris - 1 sdm bawang goreng - 1 sdt kecap asin
Cara Membuat: 1. Didihkan air, masukkan tetelan daging sapi. Masak dengan panci tertutup hingga daging empuk. Masukkan bakso, garam, dan merica, aduk hingga mendidih. 2. Tempatkan bihun di mangkuk saji, siram dengan kuah, bakso, dan tetelan daging. Beri daun bawang, seledri, bawang goreng, dan kecap asin.
Honda sepertinya masih akan menjadi pesain terkuat Yamaha setelah berhasil menguasai sirkuit Losail pada seri perdana MotoGP 2011. Casey Stoner membuktikan jika sirkuit Losail memang jadi arena favoritnya setelah finish pertama, di belakangnya ada juara bertahan Loenzo dan rekan Pedrosa yang berhasil finish di posisi ketiga.
Berikut hasil MotoGP Qatar 2011 1. Casey Stoner Honda 2. Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha 3. Dani Peddrosa Honda 4. Andrea Dovizioso Honda 5. Marco Simoncelli Gresini Honda 6. Ben Spies Yamaha 7. Valentino Rossi Ducati 8. Colin Edwards Tech 3 Yamaha 9. Nicky Hayden Ducati 10.Hiroshi Aoyama Gresini Honda 11. Cal Crutchlow Tech 3 Yamaha
This gift is perfect to lift someone's spirits who is feeling lonely, forgotten or blue or even not feeling well. Anyone who is able to wrap a present will be able to make this remembrance to help cheer up a friend, acquaintance or loved one. The recipient will be grateful for your sentiments. In addition, you most likely will most not have to purchase any supplies.
1. This remembrance is not about the wrapped gift but rather about the sentiments expressed in the poem that is attached to the package, so you may use an empty container if you wish. Otherwise you may wrap a small remembrance, such as the picture frame mentioned above.
2. Whatever form you decide upon, wrap it in paper to suit the occasion, such as something cheery with flowers for a sick person. Tie ribbon and a bow around the package to match the wrapping paper. We also added tulle cut and tied into a bow for extra decoration.
3. On a piece of white or colored paper, either print on the computer or hand print the poem.
Just for You
"This is a special gift,
That you cannot see,
The reason that it's special,
Is it's just for you from me!
So, whenever you are lonely,
Or even feeling blue,
You only have to hold this
To know I think of you!
You can never unwrap this,
Please leave the ribbons tied,
Just hold it to your heart,
It's filled with love inside."
4. Punch a hole in the upper corner and attach the poem to the ribbon with ether a twist tie or another piece of ribbon. If you used white paper, you may back the poem with a colored piece of construction paper. Use your imagination and embellish the gift in other ways, such as with stickers or a small silk flower. Since the poem mentions never opening the present, you can definitely use an empty form receptical if you choose.
Everyone goes through down times occasionally. Sometimes our friends can go through sad spells and these are the times we need to be friends the most. How do you cheer up a sad friend? Here are some tips!
1. Send them a care package filled with candy, scented candles, brownie mix, magazines, and delicious tea bags. Don't forget to include a little love note.
2. Be available for your friend at all times. It's very important to let them know you are there for them. Make sure they are aware of the fact that they can get a hold of you at any time, night or day
3. Have patience. Sometimes it takes people awhile to get out of their sad moods. Everyone is different. Learn to understand and throw out impatience.
4. Pay them a genuine compliment. Remember that the more detailed the praise the better, for example: "I love how your bangs frame your face." or "You have a contagious laugh."
5. Call them often. Don't bombard them with phone calls if they do not want to talk, but at least call once a day just to check up and let them know you care. The same goes for email.
6. Give them a mixed CD filled with upbeat music or songs that you have listened to together and have a special meaning. Most computers these days will even let you record personal greetings at the beginning of each track.
7. Offer hugs. Sometimes a person just needs you to be there and a hug is the most generous of offers.
8. Tell them how much you appreciate them. This small gesture can really make someone's day
9. Reminisce about your friendship, how you met, and the fun times you've had together. And then make more fun plans for the future.
10. Involve other friends. The more friends you involve, the more likely the person will come out of their mood.
Nothing spells romance more than the scent and beauty of fresh flowers on your wedding day. A wedding would just not be the same without flowers. Every bride wants her wedding to be memorable and her choice of flowers or arrangements should reflect her specific taste and personality. Her flowers should create a theme to make her wedding day special and provide the finishing touch to this very special day.
Choosing the color of your flowers for your wedding day can be solely be based on your favorite color or your favorite flower.
1. Consider the color of the flowers. Color is an important part of your decision about which flowers to have. The colors chosen should complement the bridal gown, the wedding theme, and the clothing of the rest of the bridal party. Colors chosen according to the seasonal availability will allow you the greatest impact for the smaller price, as seasonal flowers will always cost less. When thinking about color, consider what the flowers have to contend with in the room, marquee, or outdoor area where they're located and be sure to choose colors that will stand out. Some of the more popular flowers by color choice include:
White: rose, sweet pea, camellia, stephanotis, narcissus, gardenia, orchid, lily of the valley, jasmine, and gypsophila.
Yellow: daffodil, sunflower, tulip, gerbera, lily, and freesia.
Lavender: lavender, lilac, anemone, statice, iris, delphinium, and hydrangea.
Red: gerbera, rose, dahlia, poinsettia, and amaryllis.
2. Consider the season. The season plays an important role in your choice, especially if you're budget-conscious. While non-seasonal flowers can be flown in, this increases the cost and complexity considerably. And if you're into locally grown produce, it's hardly appropriate to have flowers flown in! Some of the more well-known, popular flowers are indicated alongside their season here (noting that there may be regional and climate variances depending on where you live in the world):
Spring flowers: amaryllis, anemone, daffodil, freesia, gerbera, lily of the valley, orchid, ranunculus, stephanotis, and sweet pea.
All year round flowers: calla lily, carnation, gypsophila, orchid, protea, rose, and tulip (although this list may vary by region).
3. Think about where you want flowers to play a role in your wedding. Wedding flowers can be simple or elaborate depending on the type of wedding that is being planned. Either way, they should have a look of individuality and look as if they have all been specially created for the bride.
4. Start out by understanding that there are no right or wrong choices when selecting flowers for your wedding. Your own preferences are the most important part, as well as having a basic understanding of what works well for the theme you've chosen and your budget. You can also expect a good florist to provide you with helpful advice, so be prepared to ask plenty of questions and to run ideas past your florist once you reach that stage.
5. Start by looking through bridal magazines, books, and even gardening books that focus on flowers. If you don't already have an idea of the types of flowers you'd like to have, simply looking at beautifully photographed flowers can be a lovely way to start getting an idea of what you like. Even consider taking a tour of a local Botanical Garden or a greenhouse where flowers are on display, to get a real feel for how the flowers appear.
Bagi kalian yang orang jawa timur, pasti sudah tak asing lagi dengan kata jancok, kata ini sangat terkenal di jawa timur, Bahkan orang-orang di jawa tengah dan jawa barat pun sering mengucapkan kata ini. Lantas apa sebenarnya arti kata Jancok dan bagaimana asal mulanya bisa terbentuk kata ini.
Jancok atau dancok adalah sebuah kata khas Surabaya yang telah banyak tersebar hingga meluas ke seantero Indonesia bahkan sudah mendunia. Warga Jawa Timur seperti Surabaya, Malang dll turut andil dalam penyebaran kata ini.
Jancok berasal dari kata 'encuk' yang memiliki padanan kata bersetubuh atau fuck dalam bahasa Inggris. Berasal dari frase 'di-encuk' menjadi 'diancok' lalu 'dancok' hingga akhirnya menjadi kata 'jancok'.
Ada banyak varian kata jancok, semisal jancuk, dancuk, dancok, damput, dampot, diancuk, diamput, diampot, diancok, mbokne ancuk (=motherfucker), jangkrik, jambu, jancik, hancurit, hancik, hancuk, hancok, dll. Kata jangkrik, jambu adalah salah satu contoh bentuk kata yang lebih halus dari kata jancok.
Makna asli kata tersebut sesuai dengan asal katanya yakni 'encuk' lebih mengarah ke kata kotor bila kita melihatnya secara umum. Normalnya, kata tersebut dipakai untuk menjadi kata umpatan pada saat emosi meledak, marah atau untuk membenci dan mengumpat seseorang.
Namun, sejalan dengan perkembangan pemakaian kata tersebut, makna kata jancok dan kawan-kawannya meluas hingga menjadi kata simbol keakraban dan persahabatan khas (sebagian) arek-arek Suroboyo.
Kata-kata ini bila digunakan dalam situasi penuh keakraban, akan menjadi pengganti kata panggil atau kata ganti orang. Misalnya, "Yoopo kabarmu, cuk", "Jancok sik urip ae koen, cuk?". Serta orang yang diajak bicara tersebut seharusnya tidak marah, karena percakapan tersebut diselingi dengan canda tawa penuh keakraban dan berjabat tangan dong... Hehehehe....
Kata jancok juga bisa menjadi kata penegasan keheranan atau komentar terhadap satu hal. Misalnya "Jancok! Ayune arek wedok iku, cuk!", "Jancuk ayune, rek!", "Jancuk eleke, rek", dll. Kalimat tersebut cocok dipakai bila melihat sesosok wanita cantik yang tiba-tiba melintas dihadapan. Hehe...
Akhiran 'cok' atau 'cuk' bisa menjadi kata seru dan kata sambung bila penuturnya kerap menggunakan kata jancok dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. "Wis mangan tah cuk. Iyo cuk, aku kaet wingi lak durung mangan yo cuk. Luwe cuk.". Atau "Jancuk, maine Arsenal mambengi uelek cuk. Pemaine kartu merah siji cuk.
dan memang, kata ini sangat enak diucapkan, sampai sampai saya ketagihan mengucapkan kata ini, walaupun arti yang saya tekankan bukanlah arti kotor, tapi hanya sekedar kata pemanggilan saja, dan ternyata di pergaulan sekolah saya kata itu sudah biasa
Genderang perang MotoGP 2011 sudah mulai ditabuh, siapakah yang akan menjadi penguasa musim ini, Sepertinya masih sulit ditebak sebelum paruh musim nanti.
Dalam babak kualifikasi di seri perdana MotoGp Qatar 2011, Casey Stoner membuktikan jika sirkuit Losail memang jadi arena favoritnya. Dalam sesi kualifikasi pembalap Honda itu tak tertahankan untuk merebut pole position balapan esok. Di belakangnya ada Dani Pedrosa dan Jorge Lorenzo.
Dalam sesi kualifikasi yang dihelat Minggu (20/3/2011) dinihari WIB, Stoner dominan sejak permulaan sesi ini. Meski sempat dilewati pencapaian waktunya oleh Pedrosa, Stoner akhirnya mampu mengakhiri kualifikasi dengan catatan waktu 1 menit 54,137 detik.
Sementara itu Pedrosa harus puas start di posisi kedua dengan raihan waktu 0,205 detik lebih lambat dari rekan barunya tersebut. Juara dunia Lorenzo yang tampil kurang baik di sesi tes pramusim dan free practice berhasil memperbaiki penampilannya dengan menduduki start ketiga lewat raihan waktu 1 menit 54,947 detik.
Rekan Lorenzo di Yamaha, Ben Spies duduk di posisi kelima dengan waktu 0,958 detik lambat dari Stoner. Melengkapi posisi lima besar ada Marco Simoncelli dari Gresini Honda di posisi keempat dengan waktu 1 menit 54,988 detik.
Nasib kurang baik harus diterima Valentino Rossi yang harus puas mengawali balapan esok dengan Ducati-nya dari urutan ke-9 setelah menuntaskan sesi ini dengan waktu 1 menit 55,637 detik.
Hasil lengkap kualifikasi MotoGP Qatar
Pos Pembalap Tim Waktu Selisih 1. Casey Stoner Honda 1m54.137s 2. Dani Pedrosa Honda 1m54.342s + 0.205s 3. Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha 1m54.947s + 0.810s 4. Marco Simoncelli Gresini Honda 1m54.988s + 0.851s 5. Ben Spies Yamaha 1m55.095s + 0.958s 6. Hector Barbera Aspar Ducati 1m55.223s + 1.086s 7. Andrea Dovizioso Honda 1m55.229s + 1.092s 8. Cal Crutchlow Tech 3 Yamaha 1m55.578s + 1.441s 9. Valentino Rossi Ducati 1m55.637s + 1.500s 10. Colin Edwards Tech 3 Yamaha 1m55.647s + 1.510s 11. Randy de Puniet Pramac Ducati 1m55.656s + 1.519s 12. Hiroshi Aoyama Gresini Honda 1m55.724s + 1.587s 13. Nicky Hayden Ducati 1m55.881s + 1.744s 14. Loris Capirossi Pramac Ducati 1m56.323s + 2.186s 15. Karel Abraham Cardion Ducati 1m56.665s + 2.528s 16. Toni Elias LCR Honda 1m57.992s + 3.855s
Kate Middleton’s see-through dress that she wore as part of a university fashion show in 2002 is could now be worth £100,000.
Middleton wore the Charlotte Todd knitted slip at a St. Andrews University charity fashion show.
Her catwalk debut reportedly marked the first time her husband-to-be Prince William first saw the attractive brunette, reports Contact-music.
Miss Middleton wore the silk outfit, designed by fashion student Charlotte Todd, during a show at St Andrews University in 2002.
Prince William was photographed watching his future bride, whose lacy underwear was clearly visible under the slinky garment.
After the show the dress was returned to Miss Todd, who packed it away in her mother's wardrobe, where it has remained ever since.
The graduate, who has not pursued a career in fashion design and now works in an aquarium, spoke of her pride in playing such a key role in royal history.
She has already turned down an offer of £1,000 for the dress and has vowed never to sell it - but experts estimate it could fetch a staggering £100,000 in the future.
Many factors contribute to oily skin, including hormone levels, humidity, diet and cosmetics. Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the skin are overactive and produce excessive sebum. However, heredity plays the biggest role in oil production. Oily skin is most common during puberty but may affect anyone of any age. While nothing can completely stop oily skin, a number of treatment options and home remedies can reduce oil production.
Steps :
1. Wash your face three times a day using soap and hot water. Hot water is much more effective at dissolving and washing away skin oil than cold water. You can use regular bar soap or try a medicated soap, such as Neutrogena Oily Skin Formula or Clearasil soap for oily skin.
2. Exercise regularly to boost circulation, improve blood flow and unclog pores. Contrary to what many people believe, sweating is actually healthy for the skin and can help stop oily skin and reduce the frequency of acne outbreaks.
3. Apply a mud or clay mask to your face several times each week. Darker masks are typically the most absorbent, but rose-colored clay may be less irritating to sensitive skin.
4. Use an astringent that contains acetone to help stop oily skin. In most cases, rubbing alcohol and witch hazel work just as well as expensive astringents. You can also purchase astringent pads at most pharmacies and grocery stores to carry with you when you are away from home.
5. Purchase only water-based cosmetics, as oil-based products can increase oil on the face. Set foundations with a light dusting of baby powder, which is more absorbent than many cosmetic powders. Powder will not stop oil production, but it can minimize the appearance of oily skin.
6. Stop or change the type of oral contraceptive pill you use to help stop oily skin. Hormones play a major role in oily skin, which is why oil and acne increase during puberty and pregnancy. If you are not currently using birth control pills, you can ask your doctor about the benefits and risks of using oral contraceptives to treat oily skin.
7. Avoid overstimulating your skin. Exfoliating too often is a common trigger of excessive oil production. Frequent or severe sunburns or constantly rubbing or picking at your skin can also cause over-stimulation. If you exfoliate, do so only once or twice each week to prevent an increase in oil production.
8. Try an over-the-counter or prescription medication that contains retinol to control oily skin. Use these products sparingly to avoid skin irritation, redness and flaking.
Bahan: - Kwetiau super 2 ons - Penyedap 0,5 sdt - Garam 0,25 sdt - Kecap asin 0,5 sdt - Lada secukupnya - Gula secukupnya
Bahan isi: - Daging sapi 1 ons (iris tipis dan lebar) - Babat 0,25 ons (iris tipis dan lebar) - Urat sapi 0,25 ons (iris tipis dan lebar) - Telur 1 butir
Bahan Sayuran: - Caysim 1 ons - Tauge 1 ons
Bahan Kuah Siram: - Sagu tani 1 sdm - Air secukupnya (hanya untuk mengentalkan) - Garam secukupnya - Gula secukupnya
Cara Membuat Kuah Siram: 1. Aduk sagu tani dengan air secukupnya hingga mengental, lalu tambahkan garam, gula, dan lada. 2. Masak dengan api sedang hingga bumbu merata. 3. Masukkan daging, babat, dan sayuran. Aduk kembali dan tiriskan.
Cara Membuat Kwetiau: 1. Panaskan minyak goreng, rebus kwetiau hingga matang, dan taruh ke dalam mangkuk. 2. Bubuhkan garam, lada, penyedap secukupnya, dan tumis kwetiau dan telur secara bersamaan. Aduk hingga merata. 3. Bubuhkan garam, penyedap, kecap asin, kecap ikan asin, lada,, dan gula pasir. Aduk kembali hingga semua bumbu tercampur rata dengan kwetiau. 4. Taruh kwetiau yang sudah matang di atas piring lalu siram dengan kuah siram yang masih hangat. Sajikan.
Bahan: - 100 gram kwetiau kering, diseduh sampai mekar - 1/2 sendok makan kecap asin - 1 sendok makan kecap manis - 2 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus - 1 cm jahe, dicincang halus - 1 sendok terasi goreng - 100 gram udang kupas - 1 sendok makan saus tiram - 1/4 sendok teh garam - 1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk - 1/2 sendok teh gula pasir - 2 sendok makan air - 2 butir telur, dikocok lepas - 75 gram taoge - 4 tangkai kucai, dipotong 3 cm - 2 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis
Cara Membuat: 1. Lumuri kwetiau dengan kecap asin dan kecap manis. Sisihkan. 2. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bawang putih, jahe, dan terasi sampai harum. Masukkan udang. Aduk sampai berubah warna. Tambahkan saus tiram, garam, merica bubuk, gula pasir, dan air. Aduk rata. 3. Masukkan kwetiau. Aduk rata. Tambahkan telur. Aduk sampai berbutir kasar. 4. Masukkan taoge dan kucai. Masak sampai matang.
Munculnya uban pada rambut merupakan salah satu tanda-tanda penuaan. Namun jika rambut putih itu muncul sebelum waktunya, malah akan membuat penampilan Anda terganggu. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah dan mengatasi timbulnya uban sebelum waktunya adalah dengan mempelajari penyebabnya. Seringkali, kebiasaan kitalah yang mendorong munculnya si rambut putih itu.
1. Kebiasaan merokok Racun-racun yang ada di dalam rokok membuat tubuh mengalami penuaan dini. rambut pun ikut memutih karenanya. Jika tak ingin uban muncul sebelum waktunya, berhentilah merokok.
2. Stres Saat mengalami stres, metabolisme tubuh terganggu secara keseluruhan. Ketidakseimbangan dalam tubuh membuat efek yang beragam. Termasuk timbulnya uban. Maka sebisa mungkin hindari stres. Tenangkan diri Anda setiap ada tekanan yang berat.
3. Perhatikan pola makan Uban juga bisa disebabkan karena jaringan protein yang rusak dalam tubuh karena pola makan yang salah. Untuk itu, perhatikan benar nutrisi yang masuk ke tubuh Anda.
4. Pemakaian zat kimia berlebihan di rambut Tak hanya pola makan yang dapat merusak jaringan protein di rambut. Pemakaian produk kimia di rambut seperti cat dan obat keriting juga bisa membuat jaringan rambut rusak. Uban pun muncul karenanya. Oleh karena itu, jangan terlalu sering menggunakan mengguanakan produk-produk tersebut. Jika Anda mengecat atau mengeriting rambut, pastikan untuk menggunakan shampo dan pelembab khusus untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut.
Jika uban telah terlanjur muncul, jangan buru-buru putus asa. Munculnya uban adalah karena produksi pigmen rambut yang bernama melanocytes telah berkurang. Untuk itu beberapa bahan makanna bisa membuat produksi pigmen tersebut bertambah. Sehingga uban Anda akan berkurang dan tidak muncul kembali.
Bahan-bahan mengandung zat besi adalah yang paling utama. Zat besi adalah nutrisi yang merangsang produksi melanocytes. Jangan lupa untuk sellau mengkonsumsi sayuran hijau dan daging merah yang cukup untuk mendapatkan jumlah zat besi yang sesuai. Tak ada salahnya untuk mengkonsumsi multivitamin yang lengkap untuk menjaga keseimbangan nutrisi dalam tubuh. Multivitamin juga akan melindungi tubuh dari serangan penyakit.
Jika pola makan Anda sudah benar namun uban tetap muncul, mungkin liburan jalan keluarnya. Keluarlah dari rutinitas sehari-hari yang membuat Anda stres. Liburan akan membuat Anda lebih rileks, sehingga metabolisme tubuh kembali berjalan normal. Uban pun hilang.
Hati-hati bagi siswa or mahasiswa yang mau menghadapi ujian. Peringatan ini penting buat pelajar atau mahasiswa yang baru mau belajar semalam suntuk jika esok hari ada ujian. Waspadalah, sistem belajar kebut semalam akan membuat otak panik yang jika terus-terusan bisa berdampak pada gangguan memori.
Gaya belajar kebut semalam membuat fungsi otak terganggu karena otak menjadi kelelahan dan tidak bisa menerima rangsangan dari luar. Hal ini karena jadwal otak yang harusnya istirahat tapi dipaksa semalaman untuk terus bekerja, padahal saat jadwalnya tidur otak mendapatkan protein untuk kinerjanya. Jika seseorang terus menerus belajar semalaman maka ia akan kurang tidur yang berdampak pada gangguan memori dan mengganggu kerja dari otak.
Kondisi otak yang kurang istirahat ini akan memberikan dampak buruk pada tubuh seperti cemas, gelisah, stres, kurang konsentrasi serta menurunkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Serta memicu kelenjar di otak untuk merangsang kortisol menjadi hiperaktif. Kortisol adalah hormon stres yang bila jumlahnya berlebih dapat memicu gangguan-gangguan psikis. Jika kondisi ini terus menerus terjadi bisa membuat seseorang menjadi insomnia yang nantinya mempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan baik secara fisik maupun psikis, serta membutuhkan penanganan khusus agar bisa mengembalikan kualitas tidurnya.
Gaya belajar seperti itu mungkin bukan yang terbaik untuk pelajar dan mahasiswa karena tidak memberikan manfaat bagi otak. Untuk itu seseorang harus mengubah cara belajarnya agar menjadi lebih efisien dan efektif, seperti dikutuip dari, Rabu (16/3/2011).
Salah satu cara terbaik dalam belajar adalah mengulang, mencicilnya sehingga tidak bertumpuk serta tidak menunda-nunda pelajaran.
Ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan agar belajar lebih efektif yaitu:
1. Jika memiliki banyak aktivitas di luar sekolah, cobalah belajar mengelola waktu sehingga pendidikan tidak dikorbankan. 2. Cobalah untuk menulis kembali catatan dari kelas di rumah, hal ini akan membantu otak mengingat kembali pelajaran di kelas sehingga membuat otak lebih mudah menyimpannya sebagai memori. 3. Buatlah catatan dengan bahasa yang lebih mudah dipahami, catatan yang dimiliki tidak harus rapi tapi yang penting bisa dimengerti dengan baik. 4. Jika ada sesuatu yang mengganggu pikiran, cobalah untuk mengajukan pertanyaan di kelas dan membuat catatan. 5. Buatlah rangkuman mengenai hal-hal penting ke dalam catatan kecil setiap selesai satu bab pelajaran sehingga lebih mudah untuk dipelajari 6. Cobalah mengetes diri sendiri tentang materi-materi yang sudah dipelajari. Hal ini baik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengingat dan memperbaiki kelemahan yang dimiliki.