* 3 cups all-purpose flour * 2 cups white sugar * 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder * 2 teaspoons salt * 1 tablespoon baking soda * 1/2 cup vegetable oil * 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar * 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract * 2 cups water
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan. 2. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and baking soda. Make a well in the center, and pour in the oil, vinegar, water and vanilla. 3. Mix well, then pour into a 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus bersama cabai merah, cabai hijau, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan daun jeruk, masak hingga harum.
2. Masukkan oncom, aduk rata, masak hingga oncom matang, aduk rata. Masukkan kangkung, bubuhi garam, merica, dan gula pasir, aduk dan masak hingga kangkung layu, angkat.
- 1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
- 2 butir telur, kocok lepas
- 6 batang kucai, potong 1 cm
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih hingga layu. Masukkan jahe dan udang, masak hingga udang berubah warna.
2. Masukkan kaldu, masak hingga mendidih. Masukkan irisan jamur, rebung, kecap asin, minyak wijen, garam, merica, gula pasir, saus sambal, dan cuka, masak hingga mendidih.
3. Kentalkan dengan larutan maizena, setelah mengental, masukkan telur kocok, sedikit-sedikit hingga membentuk serabut. Masukkan kucai, masak sebentar, angkat.
Cheat Point Blank 1 Juli 2011 Cheat Point Blank Unlimited HP + Moving Speed K2 Update Point Blank 01072011 - Cheat Terbaru 1 Juli 2011 Update 01072011. Cheat Point Blank 1 Juli 2011 01072011 yang terbaru itu adalah Cheat Point Blank 1 Juli 2011 Cheat Update Point Blank Unlimited HP + Moving Speed K2 01072011. Sebelumnya telah post kan id blogku:
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tuang telur, buat orak-arik hingga matang, angkat, sisihkan.
2. Panaskan 2 sdm minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih hingga layu. Masukkan nasi putih, aduk rata, beri garam, merica, kecap asin, dan kecap manis, aduk. Tambahkan irisan tahu, orak-arik telur, dan irisan daun bawang, aduk rata, masak sebentar, angkat
- 1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
- 3 kuning telur ayam, kocok
- 200 g daging kelapa muda, keruk halus
- 100 ml krim kental
Cara Membuat:
1. Campur air kelapa dan susu, Aduk rata. 2. Beri beberapa tetes pewarna merah muda, aduk rata. Jerangkan di atas api kecil sambil aduk hingga panas, tambahkan sedikit garam. 3. Tuangi larutan maizena, aduk hingga kental dan mendidih. 4. Ambil sedikit adonan, aduk dengan kuning telur. Tuangkan kembali ke dalam adonan. Masak hingga mendidih. Angkat, aduk-aduk hingga uapnya hilang dan menjadi hangat. 5. Tambahkan kelapa muda dan krim aduk rata. Tuangkan ke dalam wadah. Simpan dalam freezer hingga setengah beku. Keluarkan, aduk rata. 6. Simpan kembali dalam freezer hingga beku. 7. Sendoki dalam gelas-gelas saji. Sajikan dingin.
Setelah hari kemarin saya posting tentang Biodata/ Profil Personel SMASH - SM*SH Terlengkap dan SUAMI JARANG PULANG ISTRI SELINGKUH DENGAN SATPAM , maka hari ini saya akan update artikel terbaru lagi, yaitu TRANSFORMERS 3 : Dark OF The Moon.
Dated Released : 29 June 2011 Quality : [CAM-Kualitas Buruk] [Hindi] Info : imdb.com/title/tt1399103/ IMDB
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Bahan: - 3 ekor kepiting yang besar-besar - 4 cm lengkoas, memarkan - 4 batang daun bawang, dirajang - 2 buah jeruk nipis, ambil airnya - 1 batang sereh - 2 lembar daun jeruk - 500 ml air - 1 sendok makan kecap ikan - 1 sendok teh garam - 50 ml minyak goreng
Bahan Bumbu yang Dihaluskan: - 12 buah cabe merah - 5 buah bawang merah - 50 gram kenari putih
Cara Membuat:
1. Rebus kepiting. 2. Buka tempurungnya bersihkan insang dan potong menjadi 4 bagian. 3. Rebus air, masukkan bumbu yang dihaluskan, kepiting dan garam.
4. Tumis lengkoas, sereh dan daun jeruk dengan minyak goreng hingga harum.
5. Masukkan kecap ikan dan daun bawang, tumis sebentar, angkat.
1. Campur tahu putih yang telah dihaluskan dengan bumbu yang dihaluskan, aduk rata.
2. Masukkan santan, telur, dan irisan daun jeruk, aduk rata, bagi adonan menjadi 4 bagian.
3. Ambil 2 lembar daun pisang, taruh satu lembar daun salam dan tata satu bagian adonan, beri batang serai dan cabai rawit hijau, bungkus bentuk lontong, dan semat dengan lidi.
4. Kukus selama 30 menit hingga matang, angkat.
5. Sajikan hangat. Selamat mencoba dan selamat menikmati.
* food processor (you'll need help from your adult assistant) * bowl * mixing spoon * storage container * measuring cups and spoons
For smooth peanut butter:
1. Mix the peanuts with the peanut oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor. 2. Process the mixture until it's very smooth. 3. Store your smooth peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks.
For chunky peanut butter:
1. Take about ¼ cup out of your 1½ cups of peanuts and set them aside. 2. Mix the rest of the peanuts with the oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor. 3. Process the mixture until it's very smooth, then stir in the peanuts that you had set aside. 4. Process a few seconds more to create the chunks in your chunky peanut butter. 5. Store your chunky peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks.
Serves: 12
Serving size: 2 tablespoons
Nutritional analysis (per serving): 116 calories 4.3 g protein 10.25 g fat 4 g carbohydrate 1.5 g fiber 0 mg cholesterol 1 mg sodium 10 mg calcium 0.4 mg iron
Note: Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used.
stove (you'll need help from your adult assistant)
large bowl
mixing spoon
medium-size bowl
measuring cups and spoons
In a large bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Set the bowl aside.
Melt the margarine in a small saucepan.
Crack the egg into a medium-size bowl, then add the milk and melted margarine.
Whisk egg mixture until it is well mixed.
Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture. Whisk again until both mixtures are blended together.
Put extra margarine in the saucepan and heat it on the stovetop on medium heat. It is hot enough when the margarine starts to bubble.
Use a measuring cup or a small ladle to spoon the batter into the pan. Put some blueberries on top of each pancake.
Cook your pancakes on medium heat until small bubbles appear on the top.
Use a spatula to see when your pancakes are light brown on the bottom. When they are, flip them over with the spatula.
Cook for another few minutes until the pancakes are light brown on the other side.
Remove your pancakes and put them on plates to enjoy!
Serves: 2
Serving size: 3 or 4 medium pancakes
Nutritional analysis (per serving): 333 calories 11 g protein 9 g fat 52 g carbohydrate 3 g fiber 108 mg cholesterol 915 mg sodium 270 mg calcium 2.8 mg iron Note: Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used. Variations and suggestions: Eat your pancakes with powdered sugar, cinnamon, maple syrup, jelly, or fruit on top.
Kali ini saya akan share Cheat PB 30 Juni 2011 Wallhack 30062011 yang masih hangat. Bisa anda coba Cheat point blank kali ini yang bernama Cheat PB 30 Juni 2011 Wallhack 30062011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari Cheat PB 30 Juni 2011 Wallhack 30062011
Kali ini di saya akan share Cheat Point Blank 30 Juni 2011 Scarletzer 30062011 yang masih hangat. Bisa anda coba cheat point blank kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank 30 Juni 2011 Scarletzer 30062011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari Cheat Point Blank 30 Juni 2011 Scarletzer 30062011
Note: Parfaits can be made up to 2 days in advance.
Prep time: 5 minutes
What you need:
* ½ teaspoon cocoa powder * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 2 teaspoons honey * 1½ cups low-fat or fat free Greek yogurt * 2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries * ¼ cup shaved dark chocolate or chocolate chips
Equipment and supplies:
* Measuring cups and spoons * Medium mixing bowl * Whisk or fork * Tall glasses, preferably clear
What to do:
1. In medium bowl, whisk together cocoa powder and vanilla. 2. Add honey and yogurt and stir until they're well combined with cocoa mixture. It will turn light brown. 3. Spoon 2 tablespoons of yogurt mixture into the bottom of four clear glasses. 4. Top with some raspberries and repeat until all of the yogurt and raspberries are used up. 5. Sprinkle each parfait with chocolate shavings. 6. Serve or refrigerate until ready to serve.
Note: You can use raisins instead of blueberries to make cinnamon-raisin oatmeal squares.
Prep and cook time: 25 minutes
What you need:
* 1½ cups quick oats * ½ cup whole-wheat flour * ½ teaspoon baking soda * ½ teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon cinnamon * ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries * 1 egg * 1 cup skim milk * 3 tablespoons apple sauce * ¼ cup brown sugar
Equipment and supplies:
* Large mixing bowl * 8x8-inch baking pan * Measuring cups and spoons
What to do:
1. Preheat oven to 350° F. 2. Coat baking pan with cooking spray. 3. Place all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix until just combined. 4. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. 5. Allow to cool for 5 minutes and cut into squares.
* 2 eggs * 1¾ c. sifted flour * 2 tsp. baking powder * ¼ tsp. baking soda * ½ tsp. salt * 1/3 c. vegetable oil * 2/3 c. sugar * 1 c. mashed bananas (about 3 bananas)
* oven (you'll need help from your adult assistant) * measuring cups and spoons * mixer * sifter * spatula * small bowl * medium-size bowl * large bowl * bread pan coated with nonstick cooking spray
1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C). 2. Beat eggs well in a small bowl. 3. In a medium-size bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 4. In a large bowl, add the vegetable oil. Add the sugar a little bit at a time, and continue beating until the mixture is fluffy. 5. Add the eggs to the mixture in the large bowl and beat well. 6. Add some of the flour mixture to the large bowl and beat well. Then add some of the mashed bananas and beat some more. Continue adding flour, then bananas, then flour, then bananas, until everything is mixed in. 7. Pour mixture into the baking pan. Bake for 70 minutes. 8. Flip your banana bread out of the pan, let it cool for a bit, and cut it into slices to eat and share!
Serves: 16
Serving size: 1 slice
Nutritional analysis (per serving): 145 calories 2 g protein 5 g fat 24 g carbohydrate 1 g fiber 27 mg cholesterol 155 mg sodium 37 mg calcium 0.8 mg iron
Note: Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used.
Cheat Ninja Saga NS Terbaru 2011 Merubah Exam Special Jounin Menjadi Mission DUMMY dengan CE Cheat Engine
Setelah hari kemarin saya posting tentang TKI : Saya di jadikan Budak SEKS dan Pembunuhan !!! dan Foto Cewek Seksi Anggota 7 Icons Terbaru, maka hari ini saya akan update artikel terbaru lagi, yaitu Cheat Ninja Saga NS Terbaru 2011 Merubah Exam Special Jounin Menjadi Mission DUMMY dengan CE
a. 100 gram macaroni, rebus matang b. 100 gram kornet c. 1 sendok makan mentega d. ½ buah bawang bombay, cincang halus e. 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus f. 3 sendok makan saus tomat g. 1 sendok makan saus sambal h. 2 nutir telur i. Garam dan merica bubuk secukupnya j. 500 ml minyak goreng
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Makaroni Goreng Kornet:
1. Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. Angkat. 2. Campur macaroni, kornet, tumisan bawang, saus sambal, saus tomat, garam dan merica bubuk. Aduk rata. 3. Masukkan telur, aduk rata kembali. Ambil 1 sendok makan adonan, goreng adonan dalam minyak panas hingga matang. Angkat.
a. 300 gram cumi, kupas potong cincin b. 100 gram jamur tiram, potong-potong c. 5 buah belimbing wuluh, belah dua d. 500 ml air e. 1 sendok makan minyak goreng
Bumbu halus:
a. 4 buah cabai merah b. 2 siung bawang putih c. 4 butir bawang merah d. 1 ruas jari jahe e. 1 buah tomat f. 2 sendok teh garam g. 1 sendok teh gula pasir h. ¼ sendok teh butir merica
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Cumi Jamur Kuah Asam:
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu hingga harum, masukkan cumi. Aduk rata. Tambahkan jamur, aduk-aduk hingga setengah matang. 2. Masukkan belimbing wuluh dan air, masak hingga matang. Angkat dan sajikan hangat.
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. 2. Masukkan sambal Bangkok, garam, gula pasir dan air. Masak hingga matang. 3. Masukkan kapri, masak sebentar. Angkat dan sajikan.
Foto Nakal Pevita Pearce Bra Krem Celana Dalam Putih Gambar Pose Syur 3 Cewek Pakai Celana Dalam Bikini Mirip Artis Pevita Pearce. Satu lagi foto nakal artis terbaru yang bikin heboh. Sekarang muncul gambar nakal artis remaja Pevita Pearce. Maraknya peredaran foto-foto nakal selebriti mengungkit lagi foto nakal perempuan yang mirip dengan artis remaja Pevita Pearce. Foto-foto nakal Pevita
400 gr pisang tanduk, haluskan 130 gr tepung terigu 1 butir telur ayam 100 gr gula pasir 30 gr kismis 350 ml santan 1 buah pisang raja, potong tipis
Campur pisang tanduk dan tepung, aduk hingga rata, sisihkan Kocok telur dan gula hingga mengembang. Tambahkan campuran pisang dan kismis, aduk rata Tuang santan, sedikit demi sedikit, sambil diaduk hingga tercampur rata Panaskan cetakan bingka, tuang adonan, masak hingga setengah matang Letakkan pisang raja yang telah dipotong tipis diatasnya, masak hingga matang, angkat
Sajikan ” Selalu gunakan santan kental agar rasa kue lebih gurih. Pilih pisang tanduk yang benar – benar matang sehingga rasanya manis”
Vagina atau Mrs V yang kencang merupakan kondisi yang dirindukan semua orang yang telah menikah.Usai melahirkan anak atau memiliki otot-otot Mrs V yang lemah, rupanya bisa menjadi pemicu pada sebuah kehidupan seks yang tidak bahagia.
Oleh karena itu, banyak wanita ingin tahu cara mengencangkan Mrs V mereka seketat mungkin, tanpa harus melakukan operasi.
Sungguh asyik peruntungan Jawawi, 41 tahun, sebagai satpam. Menjelang tahun baru dapat pula selingkuhan baru. Cuma sial seribu sial, baru sekali “dijajal” di kamar Asih, 25 tahun, kepergok oleh ayah si wanita itu sendiri. “Maliiiing…,” teriak lelaki itu dan Jawawi pun jadi urusan polisi.
Ini kisah teroris rumahtangga dari Lampung. Padahal jika ditilik dari profesinya, ini sama saja
Tanda tanda pacar tidak serius dalam berhubungan.. bagaimana.. ciri ciri pacar tidak serius dalam hubungan cinta... Perempuan biasanya memiliki perasaan yang peka terhadap pasangannya. Termasuk mempertanyakan, apakah pasangannya berniat serius membina hubungan atau tidak.
1. Si Dia tak mengenalkan Anda kepada keluarga dan teman-temannya. Seorang pembohong akan membiarkan Anda di dalam
Salah seorang pengusaha di china dan juga pemilik pabrik di negara tersebut mengaku punya ritual yang telah turun temurun untuk menjaga vitalitasnya dan awet mudanya, yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi "Healthy Soup", sebagai pengkonsumsi tetap '"Healthy Soup". Sebagai hasilnya, pria berusia 65 tahun menjelaskan khasiat "Healthy Soup" ini mempertahankan kemampuannya untuk dapat berhubungan seks
Bahan: - ½ butir kelapa - 3 lembar daun jati - ½ ayam sedang - Telur - Nangka muda Bahan Bumbu: - 3 biji bawang merah - 4 siung bawang putih - 1 sendok teh ketumbar - 6 butir kemiri - 2 potong laos - ¼ sendok teh terasi - 3 lembar daun salam - 1 sendok makan garam - 2 sendok makan gula merah dan micin
Cara Membuat:
1. Rebus telur dan parut kelapa untuk dijadikan santan. 2. Nangka muda dipotong-potong agak kasar setelah dicuci. 3. Kemudian rebus dengan daun jati supaya timbul warna merah hingga lunak. Tiriskan lalu memarkan. 4. Haluskan bumbu, kecuali daun salam dan laos. Masukkan ke dalam panci bersama santan, potongan ayam dan nangka muda yang telah dimemarkan. 5. Tambahkan daun salam dan laos, rebu terus hingga santan habis. 6. Terakhir masukkan telur rebus yang telah dikupas, tambahkan santan kental dan rebus hingga santan habis.
Dalam menjalin suatu hubungan, manusia memang tidak pernah puas. Seperti saat Anda merasa telah menghargai pasangan, tetapi Anda merasa pasangan kurang menghargai Anda. Lantas dengan cara apakah agar keinginan Anda terwujud?
Inilah cara agar Anda lebih dihargai pasangan, seperti dikutip dari Ezinearticles:
1. Bicaralah dengan Jelas Pria tidak suka dengan wanita yang memiliki
1. Cuci bersih ikan peda asin, buang kepala dan ambil dagingnya.
2. Campur bumbu yang dihaluskan dengan kelapa parut, aduk rata. Tambahkan irisan tomat dan irisan daun jeruk, aduk rata.
3. Ambil dua lembar daun, tata daun singkong, taruh bumbu kelapa dan daging peda, beri daun salam, serai dan cabai rawit hijau, bungkus lalu kukus selama 20 menit hingga matang, angkat.
Bergosip atau mengomel mungkin jadi hal yang biasa dilakukan wanita. Tapi bagi kebanyakan pria, perilaku tersebut cukup mengganggu mereka.
Terkadang ada hal-hal yang dilakukan wanita, yang tidak bisa dimengerti pria. Entah itu membicarakan urusan pribadi orang lain, mengomel tidak jelas atau mengritik bentuk tubuhnya sendiri.
Jika tidak ingin kekasih atau pria di sekitar Anda menjauh
Foto Nakal Sheila Marcia beredar di media internet di mana menjelang pernikahannya dengan kiki mirano. Dalam foto tersebut sheila nampak berpose bersama teman-temannya di sebuah cafe. Kabarnya foto-foto nakal sheila marcia tersebut beredar pertama kali di twitter.
Dalam Foto Nakal Sheila Marcia tersebut terdpat tiga buah foto di mana nampak foto yang pertama berciuman dengan seorang
Bisma Smash | Foto Bisma Smash | Profil Bisma Smash | Biodata Bisma Smash - Masih terkait dengan personil Boyband Smash, jika sebelumnya sudah menulis tentang Rafael Smash dan Morgan Smash Maka, berikut Blog Info sajikan Foto Bisma Smash Terbaru | Profil dan Biodata Lengkap
Profil Dan Biodata Bisma Smash
Nama : Bisma Karisma
Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Bandung, 27 November 1990
Foto 7 Icons Girlband Indonesia Terbaru | Profil dan Biodata Lengkap - 7 Icons merupakan grup girlband asal Indonesia. Personil 7 icons meliputi tujuh cewek cantik, yaitu Angela Tee, Grace Wohangara, Linzy, Mezty, Natly, PJ, dan Vanila.
Grup tujuh gadis cantik ini mulai banyak di kenal ketika mereka menjadi bintang di serial Go Go Girls. Lagu berjudul " Playboy " yang dinyanyikan 7 Icons
Puisi rindu kekasih terbaru dan terlengkap tahun 2010. Kumpulan Puisi rindu buat kekasih, pacar dan orang orang tercinta. Puisi rindu untuk kekasih, puisi rindu pada kekasih hati.
Kata orang rindu itu ngga ada obatnya kecuali bertemu dengan orang yang dirindukan. Nah daripada cape cape nyari obat rindu yang katanya ngga ada itu, lebih baik bikin puisi aja deh. Siapa tahu bisa sedikit mengobati
Biasanya orang yang bergolongan darah A ini berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool, bahasa kerennya. Orang yang bergolongan darah A ini mempunyai karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala. Sebelum melakukan sesuatu mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu. Dan merencanakan segala sesuatunya secara matang. Mereka mengerjakan segalanya
Foto Bugil Nikita Willy - Nikita Willy sangat diidamkan para pria karena kecantikannya yang sangat luar biasa.Di dunia maya,pencarian terkait foto porno nikita telah melambung pesat. Kelihatannya,para kaum adam sangat ingin melihat aurat artis yang bertubuh mungil ini.
Pencarian foto terus berlanjut sampai saya berhasil menemukan 2 foto panas cewek bening ini.
Why did she reject me? If you are boggling your self, your household or your friends with this question, then you definitely haven’t gotten over that rejection. Obtaining a huge, flat “NO” through the girl that you have already been fantasizing about is difficult to simply accept particularly should you know that you are way better than most guys. Nonetheless, becoming the greater guy isn’t the one gauge in case you will probably be accepted or not. Actually, even the largest fishes within the pond are not exempted from rejection.
Did you analyze why your first potential girlfriend reject you? Well there are some common mistakes that men make with women and do not realize them. I will tell you how to deal with women and avoid those mistakes to have the best woman in your arms.
When a girl rejects a guy, he may start pleading with her, or chase her and try to convince her that he is the best man she can ever have. but who are you to decide if you are the best? Accept the fact that convincing her that you really love her and will keep her happy will not make her feel attracted towards you. By telling her a few nice words, she will not start feeling what she hasn’t felt for you till date. So don’t waste time in chasing her, it will make her run away from you.
It is a proven fact that women like men who do not treat them well initially or say who do not give them much attention. Ever wondered why a girl pays less attention to you when you keep calling her, meeting her, listening to her or doing whatever she says? Now do the opposite and see how she comes to you running.
You don’t have to be very nice with girls because they do not accept or reject guys on the basis of how nice they are. If you have noticed, attractive girls seem to like jerks who are not that good looking instead of good, nice guys. They will like any guy for whom they feel some level of attraction, even if he is not a handsome hunk. It is a natural feeling in girls that makes them attracted to guys. So being nice to girls will not solve your purpose, she will not start feeling attracted towards you.
Many guys try to make their girls happy by seeking their approval in every small deal or work. Initially your girl may like this because it will make her feel important. Later on she will start feeling that you
lack self-confidence and you need permission and approvals to begin any task or finish up a small thing.
Here you will get negative points. As I said earlier also, girls do not like guys being very nice with them. You don’t have to treat her badly but you also don’t need to be extra nice with her. Be a man and do whatever you want to do without asking her. This also means that if you want to kiss her, just go ahead. Don’t wait for her to nod her head to say ‘yes you may kiss me.’
The most common mistake almost all men do are buying gifts and flowers for a girl. When you do this again and again, girls get a signal: “It’s not easy for me to impress you. So let me try by bribing you a little. May be you will start liking me.” Okay girls love getting flowers and gifts but this will not change how she feels for you. Imagine yourself getting gifts and flowers from a girl whom you can’t even stand.
Would you accept her offer of dating her just because she brings nice gifts and flowers for you? So if you can’t do this, how do you expect girls to change their feelings in exchange for gifts and flowers? You need to show the girl that if she wants to accept you, she must accept you the way you are and you are not going to change your ways for her. This attitude will make her like you and meet you again and again.
Look into the mirror and tell yourself – “I will make girls run after me. I have the attitude to do so.” When you say this to yourself, also follow it by keeping it in mind all the time. Why I am saying this
because when men see attractive women, they can’t control themselves.
When you meet an attractive woman and start dating her, you must realize that before you, she must have dated other men also. She is so beautiful that men must be writing her letters, mails, text messages, expressing their love for her. And this is the biggest mistake men make when they express their feelings too early to a woman. This puts her off and she drops the idea of a relationship with such a man. So remember to give her compliments but
do not say how you feel for her too early in a relationship. Make her fall for you and then express your feelings for her.
Desperation is never attractive to women. She may be hot, easily approachable but if you show your desperation to get in bed with her, she will reject you instantly. Also when you are talking to her, remember not to look at her cleavage or breast. Look into her eyes to make her feel that you like her.
There are men who before even approaching a woman get nervous because of their looks and money power. Well I must clear this point that women do not think like men. They do not get attracted to men by just looking at them. If you need to impress her, you need to talk to her. If she likes your company, your sense of humour, she may well give you a chance to be her partner. Few women do give importance to looks but it still remains secondary to the overall personality of a man.
Never let a woman decide what you want to do, where you want to go or what should be the next step.
Women always want men to show their manliness when taking important decisions. A nice woman would always want to feel safe and protected when with her man. In such a situation if you ask her
what you must do next, how is she going to rely on you for her safety, security, happiness and future endeavors?
Last but not the least, men must know how to behave in different situations. This is very important. If you keep guessing before her about your next move, she is going to get disappointed.
Women almost always know what is on your mind. Your body language says it all. So you must not try to hide your feelings. If you feel like kissing her, she will know it and then if you don’t kiss her, she will find you weird.
So act accordingly in different situations. And please do not act like college guys by conveying messages to her through her friends or your friends. Be bold enough to speak to her either face to face or over the phone.
Hope you do not get rejected by a girl next time. These tips will surely help you in being with a girl for a long long time. All the Best!
Relationships are truly remarkable and enjoyable when both parties involved are committed and faithful to each other. It could then be a source of joy and a bond not easily broken is usually formed as the relationship is based solely on absolute trust for each other. Although most of us desire absolute faithfulness from our sweethearts, the reverse often is the case. How would you know your partner is cheating on you? So here is a list of the signs of a secret master cheater:
He’s been out for most of the day or so he says, but he comes back smelling like he has just got out of the shower. We don’t need to explain what he’s really been doing do we!
2. He daydreams more than he previously did.
All of a sudden mister secret man starts day dreaming his mind always seems to be elsewhere.
3. He deletes all text messages and incoming/outgoing calls from his phone.
This is the obvious one as nobody has time to delete message s form their phone for no reason.
4. He does things to pick fights with you so he spends time away from you.
This is a cunning plan so he can be spending more time with the other bitch!! (oops sorry did I say that??)
5. He doesn’t seem to have as much money as he once did.
If your man is out dating other women, trust me, at the early stages he is spending cash in the process.
6. He doesn’t want any girl related stuff in his vehicle or flat.
If you are use to leaving belongings in his property then all of a sudden he is cleaning up your belonging from view then alarm bells should be ringing.
7. He has bruises or scratches on his body.
Don’t go jumping to conclusion because of a scratch on his body but take note of where they are. The buttocks, the back and the shoulders blades should be of concern.
8. He is overly preoccupied with his hair and skin.
Its OK for men to take care of themselves, but when he wasn’t before and now he is who is he doing it for?
9. He is taking trips and going out more than he previously did and you are not invited to go along.
OK no one is saying your man is not allowed to go out without you but if he use to invite you along, now it seems like he cant wait to go out and your not invited like previously then….you get the message.
10. He is uninterested or too busy/tired for sex.
When your man is getting it from elsewhere he will no longer feel to have sex with you so he will make up excuses.
11. He runs a short errand and it takes him hours to return home.
He keeps saying he’s just chilling over at his friends or on a quick errand but takes all night or hours away
12 He shows a sudden new interest in different types activities, films, food or music.
A good sign that someone new is in his life, is the sudden interest of things that he would never normally be interested in.
13. He suddenly has an interest in improving his physique and/or he joins a gym.
A man in the gym who is not connected to a sport is a man that looks after himself and will want to flaunt the results to the opposite sex.
14 You discover he has an email or facebook account you never knew about.
Watch out for this one ladies, the easiest way for connecting with the opposite sex is online and its growing.